6 things you should know

We have put together this briefing to support anyone who has a line management or supervisory responsibility. For information on further training on Equality and Diversity related issues, go to the Professional Development or contact the HR department directly for more tailored support. See information on our policies on staff equality.

The HR advisers and recruitment team can support and advise on how to apply and interpret this new legislation – so please contact them if you have any particular concerns or need help. We also have a comprehensive set of policies and procedures to help you manage and to meet the needs of individuals, including: Dignity within the University, maternity, parental support and adoption policies and the Recruitment section. We will be reviewing all the relevant HR policies over the coming weeks to ensure that they remain compliant with the legislation.

From 1 October the first part of the Equality Act 2010 comes into force. It has a number of effects, but primarily it harmonises and modernises the law relating to equality and discrimination. Many of these changes are quite technical and will not have a great impact on the way you need to manage your staff or deliver services to students.

However. there are some changes that you should be aware of:

Direct Discrimination


Indirect Discrimination




Gender Reassignment


Pre-Employment Health-Related Checks 


Pay Secrecy



Last edited Jan 02, 2018