Financial Wellbeing


This web page signposts staff to resources which may help them to feel secure and in control of their finances.

We know that many people find it difficult to talk about financial concerns. Reaching out and seeking advice and support early can be a positive step to help avoid problems spiralling out of control. This web page signposts sources of support available and is broken down into sections to aid navigation.


Please note that the University is unable to offer financial advice to employees. Anyone who gives specific, personalised financial advice in the UK is required by the financial regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority, to be registered with them and able to conduct a detailed fact-finding process with individuals before being able to give such advice.

Pay at Nottingham

The University raised the maximum pay spine for 2022/23 to provide a 3% uplift for all colleagues at Levels 4-7 who are currently on the standard maximum points of their pay scale. This is in addition to the 3% national pay rise negotiated by UCEA.

The University is also implementing a three-year pay offer for staff at Levels 1-3 averaging 8.2% from 2022/23. This includes and an average uplift of 18.5% across the three years, which exceeds other offers available in the higher education sector. This is in addition to reforms that will also see these staff receive increased annual leave, pension benefits and enhanced pay rates for Bank Holiday and University closure days.

Speak to your manager


Employee benefits


Notts and Lincs Credit Union


Help with utility bills


Cost of living payments


Department for Work and Pensions benefits


Money and Pensions Service


 Free shower facilities


Broadband for low income families


Cheaper, sustainable food options


Travel to work costs


 Mental health and wellbeing


Other useful resources

Citizens Advice - can help people manage debt to enable them to achieve financial independence

Turn2Us - helps people in financial need gain access to welfare benefits, charitable grants and other financial help – online, by phone and face-to-face through our partner organisations

The Bounce Back checklist through the British Gas Energy Trust - this details the main benefits and schemes to help individuals get support and maximise their income, whether they are working or not

Education Support - supports individuals and help schools, colleges and universities to improve the mental health and wellbeing of their staff

StepChange Debt Charity - or call 0800 138 1111 - is the UK's leading debt charity. Get free, confidential advice and practical solutions to help deal with debts

National Debtline - or call 0808 808 4000 - will talk individuals through options and give clear advice on how to take back control

PayPlan - or call 0800 280 2816 - offer a supportive, non-judgemental team of advisers help thousands of people beat their debts every year and treat all calls with the strictest confidence

Financial Wellness Group - or call 0161 518 8285 - provides free advice and solutions for people struggling with money, debt and budgeting. They have 27+ years’ experience supporting people to find a route to become debt free

Debt Advice Foundation - or call 0800 622 61 51 - is a national debt advice and education charity offering free, confidential support and advice to anyone worried about debt