Manager Sickness Notification Procedure

Guide to the University's electronic absence reporting arrangements via UniCore, for use by all schools/departments and sections for reporting the sickness absence of their staff*.

* For employee responsibilities in relation to reporting their sickness absence, please refer to the Employee Sickness Notification Procedure.

The process consists of four component parts:

  • Notification of sickness absence and UniCore sickness absence reporting process
  • Submissions of fit note(s)
  • Completion and submission of sickness absence self-certification form
  • Completing a return to work discussion and form

Notification of sickness absence

The employee has responsibility for reporting their absence via local arrangements and via UniCore. Once notification has been received in UniCore, then the line manager will approve the absence within UniCore. Once approved, the individual will receive a notification to confirm their absence. If the individual does not have access to UniCore then the manager (or designated person) should enter the absence on the individual’s behalf.

The following information should be captured:

  • The staff ID (employee number) of the absent employee (note: in UniCore this is automatically added)
  • The absence details (date, time (am/pm), expected duration and reason)
  • The expected duration is to be the best estimate from the information given by the person who is absent
  • Date will be the default for 'today' (that may be amended) given that employees are required to report their absence as soon as possible on the first day of absence

Submission of fit note(s)

If the absence exceeds seven consecutive days, including rest days, the individual must provide a fit note (statement of fitness to work) from their GP directly into UniCore, or to their manager, which should then be uploaded to UniCore using the Fit Note Document of Record.    These should be continued to be submitted for the remainder of the sickness absence period.

Submission of sickness absence self-certification form

All employees must complete a sickness absence self-certification form after returning from any absence due to sickness. The form covers the first seven days of absence due to ill health and must be submitted, irrespective of the length of the sickness absence or whether a doctor’s medical statement has been submitted. If the sickness absence period is for 7 days or less, then this can be completed as part of the return to work. The self-certification form should be completed and countersigned by the line manager (or designated person). The form is then submitted to HR via UniCore using the Self Certification Document of Record.

If the sickness absence period is for 8 days or more, then it is recommended that you send the employee the self-certification form to complete and return to you. This should then be countersigned by the line manager (or designated person) and uploaded to UniCore using the Self Certification Document of Record.

If the employee is unable to submit a self-certification form during the period of absence, then it must be completed as part of the return to work. Please note that within UniCore you will receive weekly notifications that this is pending until the form is submitted.

Completing a return to work discussion and form

When an employee returns from any sickness absence, a discussion should be held in order to find out the reasons for the absence and whether they are likely to recur.

This discussion is informal and should be held as soon as practicably possible on an employee’s return to work.  Inform the employee that you will be completing the return to work form in UniCore, via the Return to Work Document of Record, following the discussion and explain that the notes may be referred to in the future, where necessary.  Notes may include requests for adjustments; informal arrangements in relation to agreed adjustments; reasons why adjustments could not be made; concerns raised by the employee or any actions that should be followed up after the discussion. There is no reason why the record of the meeting should not be shared with the employee, and good practice suggests that you should do, and agree the content.

Part day absences

Part day absences of half a day or more should be notified and recorded in accordance with local arrangements and self-certificates completed.


Please refer any questions concerning these arrangements to the HR Employment Services Team.


Last edited Jan 23, 2025