Why is an Employee Hub being introduced?
Who is it for?
How do I access the Employee Hub?
What changes are being made to the current range of benefits already being provided?
Is there a charge to access the benefits provided by the Employee Hub?
What range of discounts are provided through the Employee Hub and how much could I save?
What is a Spree Card?
Is there a charge for the employee NUS card and is it effectively the same as a Student NUS card?
If I use the Employee Assistance Programme service, will my manager receive any information about it?
How does salary sacrifice work?
What happens if I leave employment part way through a salary sacrifice arrangement?
I currently receive childcare vouchers through the University’s current scheme, will I need to switch providers from 1 November 2018?
The Government are changing the tax rules relating to childcare vouchers from 4 October 2018 aren’t they?
I want to make sure information about my University club/group/society is featured on the Employee Hub, how do I make sure it will be included?
What data are you sharing with Sodexo to enable the Employee Hub to work?