Your Wellbeing

A positive workplace

Wellbeing has been identified as a key enabler within the University Strategy, to foster an inclusive environment, which supports mental and physical wellbeing, the health, safety and security of our staff and students and empowers people to achieve their potential.

To support you in staying healthy and happy at work, we offer a wide range of wellbeing support, services and events.  There is a dedicated wellbeing microsite within the Employee Hub, through which you can also access the Employee Assistance Programme that the University launched in November 2018.

The Employee Assistance Programme provides 24/7 free and confidential advice, 365 days of the year, and is available to all University staff through our provider Care First. This is a professional service manned by qualified professionals who you can talk to in private about anything that is bothering you, whether it’s personal or to do with work. No issue is off limits, this could include aspects such as domestic or family issues, consumer rights, bereavement, bullying or financial and debt support, Up to 6 free face-to-face counselling sessions per year are available. Find out more about the service through the Employee Hub.

Workplace wellbeing relates to all aspect of working life, from the quality and safety of the physical environment, to how you feel about your work and the support you receive.

Staff wellbeing and mental health strategy

Staff wellbeing services, resources and information - what am I looking for?

Togetherall wellbeing app

Access the Staff Wellbeing Delivery Plan 2020

Employee Hub

Staff wellbeing map and walking routes


Your physical health

Phyiscal Health photo

Looking after our physical health forms an important part of our daily lives. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can boost energy, improve mood and prevent certain health conditions.

To support your physical wellbeing you can:

Your mental health

Mental health photo

Good mental health strengthens our ability to maintain good physical health, handle the natural ups and downs of life, and discover and develop towards our potential. To support your mental wellbeing you can:


Your work and development

Work and development photo

Our work responsibilities, job benefits and development opportunities all impact on how much we feel valued and supported at work.

To support your work and development, you can:

Your community

Community photo

Having a sense of belonging and social inclusion whilst at work is important to overall positive wellbeing. A connected person within our communities is a supported person. To support feeling connected to the University community you can:


Your environment

Enviornment photo

Your environment, and how you interact with your environment, can have a great impact on your overall health and wellbeing. To support you in learning more about your environment you can:

  • Ensure you have a safe working environment with support from the Safety Office
  • See how you benefit from the University’s commitment to being a leading green University
  • Find out more about sustainable transport including bike hire, discounted bus travel and the University’s car share scheme