Our business, trade and human rights unit is concerned with the human rights implications of the activities of multinational corporations and other business enterprises worldwide.
Members of the business, trade and human rights unit explore the interplay between business activities and human rights, and the human rights-related regulation of business conduct at domestic and international levels.
The unit has worked with academics, governments, practitioners, and civil society to understand factors underpinning the negative impacts of business and business regulation, on the enjoyment of human rights and has advised on the creation and application of global standards as well as domestic legislation and case law.
Opportunities are also provided by the unit to University of Nottingham students through the HRLC’s internships and student assistant programmes.
The unit is led by Dr Klara Polackova Van der Ploeg, Assistant Professor at the School of Law.
Business and human rights has had profound impact on many areas of international law, including international human rights law and international investment law. The rapid development of business and human rights has also raised issues about what is public international law, to whom it applies and how it is enforced.
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Human-induced climate change has become one of the most pressing issues of our time, and businesses, such as those in the fossil fuel and transportation industries, significantly contribute to it. In fulfilling their obligation to respect human rights, businesses have an essential role to play in addressing climate change.
The unit conducts research on the intersection of business and human rights. Please explore our current research for more on how we engage with a wide range of international organisations and civil society actors.
The unit has conducted research on available remedies for victims of human rights abuses as a result of business’s activities, and the impact of infrastructure projects on the marine cultural heritage of coastal areas in Kenya and Madagascar.
As one of the six research units within the HRLC, you can find all our unit publications, news and events on the publications, news and events pages.
School of LawUniversity of NottinghamUniversity Park Nottingham, NG7 2RD
+44 (0)115 846 8506 hrlc@nottingham.ac.uk