Exhibition tour by Chris King

Saturday 13th November 2021 (12:00-14:00)

Spotlight tour: Cultures of cloth in the medieval east midlands

University of Nottingham Museum, Saturday 13 November, 12-1pm

£3 (concessions available), 30 minutes (no interval)
12noon-12.30pm | 12.45pm-1.15pm | 1.30pm-2pm

This event is part of a new series of tours and spotlights in the Museum. There are three separate tours running on the day. 

Join people working and researching in and with the field of archaeology, museums and heritage to find out more about current work taking place. Small groups allow for the opportunity to see collections close up and have a chat.

Join Dr Chris King (Curator of Exhibition an Assistant Professor in the Department of Classics and Archaeology, University of Nottingham) for an introduction to the Cultures of Cloth in the Medieval East Midlands exhibition, which looks at the archaeology of medieval cloth production and consumption in the medieval world. This event follows on from the successful Cultures of Cloth conference earlier this year. 

Find out more and register.

Department of Classics and Archaeology

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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