Department of Classics and Archaeology

Research - Classics and Archaeology

Holly Miller and postgraduate students in an Archaeology seminar

In the Department of Classics and Archaeology we combine theoretically informed research with cutting-edge scientific techniques and facilities to advance our knowledge of past societies

In REF21 our Department was ranked 10th in the UK, and 6th for research power, which takes into account the size of the Department. Our students play a significant role in contributing to and maintaining the momentum of our research activities.

Painting of the Legend of the Holy Ermit Anthony, Meister der Hl Sippe, W.A.F. 452


Key themes and priority areas in the Department

A channel through a stone mountain leads to pillars carved in the stone at Petra, Ma'an, Jordan


Current individual research projects

Diver underwater in ruins of Pavlopetri


Research centres, networks and connections

Selection of human skulls on storeroom shelves


Staff research profiles and expertise

Academic with long hair and glasses gestures towards a bone she is holding in front of a group of students.


Upcoming and past research seminars and conferences

University Vice-Chancellor handing out certificates at Winter Graduation 2017


Research and study programmes




The impact of our School's research

Volunteers, students and professional archaeologists working together on an archaeological dig

Archaeology for everyone

The Norfolk community uncovering its own past

Road zig-zagging up steep mountain

The story of glass

Material evidence of the ancient Silk Road

Leonidas statue, under a dramatic cloudscape at sunset, Thermopylae

Challenging the military myth

Changing perceptions of ancient Sparta


See more examples of the impact of our research


Department of Classics and Archaeology

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Contact details
Archaeology twitter
Classics twitter