LatinNow DigiText Workshop
DigiText Workshop (Digital Textual Techniques and Resources)
21 May 2019, 10-5, E07 Teaching & Learning Building, University Park, University of Nottingham
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You are all warmly invited to the Faculty of Arts, DigiText workshop (Digital Textual Techniques and Resources). Hosted by LatinNow, this one-day workshop at the University of Nottingham will introduce digital textual techniques and resources.
The workshop leaders are Gabriel Bodard (Institute for Classical Studies) and Simona Stoyanova (LatinNow, University of Nottingham). Sessions will include introductions to Text Encoding, Linked Open Data and Linguistic Annotation. The workshop is hosted by LatinNow (ERC project, in Classics and Archaeology).
All University staff and students are very welcome (you are welcome to drop in for the just the sessions you are interested in, you need not attend the whole day). Please note this event is open to UON staff and students only.
The workshop is free of charge and lunch and refreshments will be provided.
10:00 Welcome and introduction to digital textual techniques and resources (philology, palaeography, imaging, SunoikisisDC)
11:15 Coffee
11:30 Text encoding (semantic markup, XML, example inscription); Oxygen exercise
12:45 Lunch
14:00 Linked Open Data (geography and prosopography); Recogito exercise
15:15 Coffee
15:30 Linguistic annotation (Treebanking, translation alignment); Ugarit exercise
16:45 Closing discussion and feedback
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