Discover the LatinNow Exhibition at University Park

Djanogly Gallery, Nottinghamshire History and Archaeology Festival, University Park
Saturday 20th July 2019 (12:00-16:00)
For further information please contact Alex Mullen:
A yellow rubber duck in Roman armour, holding a Latin Now banner against a black background.

Curmisagus, the LatinNow team mascot

Travelling Exhibition on Life and Languages in the Roman West visits University Park

20 July 2019, 12:00-16:00

Djanogly Gallery 2 (Entrance no.1 - off cafe), University Park, University of Nottingham

We are very excited to announce the next stop on the LatinNow tour! After a successful unveiling at the 15th conference of the Fédération internationale des associations d’études classiques (FIEC) in London in early July, the team are very excited to announce this first public appearance.

The LatinNow team are investigating the spread of Latin, the fates of local languages, and life in the north-western Roman provinces. Come and see their objects and try your hand at Roman handwriting, make your own curse tablet and decode some Roman military messages!

You can find out more about the LatinNow project and the travelling exhibition on their website here.

The visit is part of the 6th Nottinghamshire History and Archaeology Festival. Now in its 6th year this hugely successful regional festival and celebration will be displaying the wide and varied work taking place throughout Nottinghamshire by local history and archaeology societies, archaeological units, museums and other regional archaeological organisations. This big event will include displays, craft activities, living history events, handling of original material and talks.

For further information about the Festival, please visit the main event page here

The Djanogly Gallery is located near the South Entrance of the University of Nottingham and can be found on this map of the campus. For additional information on travelling to the University of Nottingham please click here

For further information on LatinNow please contact Alex Mullen:

Department of Classics and Archaeology

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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