Department of Classics and Archaeology


Monday 13th (19:30) - Tuesday 14th October 2014 (21:15)
Registration URL

Directed by Marcus Romer, playwright Roy Williams take Sophcles' play and places it in the 21st-century, reinforcing this tale's relevance and vitality.

When Creon refuses to bury the body of Antigone's unruly brother, her anger quickly turns to defiance. Creon, in an attempt to retain control, condemns her to a torturous death...she's to be buried alive.

Performances on Monday 13 October at 7.30pm and Tuesday 14 October at 1.30pm and 7.30pm.

£15 (£13 concessions)
£11 restricted view

Department of Classics and Archaeology

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Contact details
Archaeology twitter
Classics twitter