Department of Classics and Archaeology

A Storytelling Workshop: Bringing Greek Mythology to Life

Saturday 7th May 2016 (10:30-16:30)

Please email us for any queries or concerns. For more on Greek tragedy and its contemporary reception, check out the CADRE website. 

Registration URL

How does one take a classical text, a tragic myth, and adapt it for a contemporary audience? What challenges face a contemporary performance artist when drawing inspiration from a world so far removed from the modern day?

In this highly interactive workshop, performance storyteller Tim Ralphs explores different ways in which a storyteller might respond to the allure and enchantment of the Greek drama. Learn about language, imagination, theme and emotional arc.

Though Tim will be predominantly using techniques drawn from his experience as a performance storyteller, the exercises in this workshop will be relevant to poets, scriptwriters and other creatives with an interest in using myth in their craft.

The event is free, but pre-registration is required. Please register online.

Department of Classics and Archaeology

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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