Department of Classics and Archaeology

New journal, Antigone, launches online

We are delighted to share the news that Antigone, a new online publication in Classics, Ancient History and related subjects which is co-founded by Dr Edmund Stewart from the Department of Classics and Archaeology, has now launched. The website aims to serve as a platform to promote Classics worldwide, opening it up especially to those who have not been able to study the subject formally.

To find out more, please read the information provided by the Antigone team below: 

What is it?

The primary aims of Antigone are:

  1. To introduce any interested reader to the world of Greek and Roman antiquity;
  2. To show how engagement with these cultures can be exciting, constructive, rich and rewarding for people based anywhere in the modern world;
  3. To provide the tools and information to help people immerse themselves in this material; to assist readers in their exploration of the literary texts and material culture of Ancient Greece and Rome; and to aid, encourage and promote study in the technical aspects of the discipline (such as the Greek and Latin languages, linguistics, epigraphy, palaeography, textual criticism, numismatics, visual analysis and archaeology);
  4. To assist professional Classicists in promoting and disseminating their research, in an accessible manner, among the general public.

How do I access Antigone

The website is now live, where the first six pieces can be found:

  • Stephen Fry – The Ghost of Classics Yet to Come
  • Althea Sovani – Nose Knows Best: How Latin tricks Italians
  • Tom Holland – Caesar and Sopranos: the Shadow of Suetonius
  • Anika Prather – Understanding Friendship through the Eyes of Aristotle
  • Josey Parker – How to be a Classical scholar – and a woman – in the fifteenth century
  • Edmund Stewart – Why We Need Antigone

A new article will be published every other day. To subscribe to Antigone, sign up here.

How do I get involved? 

Antigone welcomes contributions from all interested readers – current students, school and university teachers, and any enthusiast outside the academic world. Please contact the team if you would like to suggest writing a piece for us.

Visit the Antigone website.

Posted on Tuesday 23rd March 2021

Department of Classics and Archaeology

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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