Department of Classics and Archaeology

Will Bowden CRP talk

Will Bowden presents online talk for CRP (Caistor Roman Project) members

Will, Professor of Roman archaeology in the Department of Classics and Archaeology, leads a session with Mike Pinner in which they discuss the progress made on the Caistor Roman project over the last year, and the team's furture plans. 


See the rest of the programme below or visit the Caistor Roman Project website for more information: 

Wed 27th Jan 7.30pm CRP Winter Briefing
Will Bowden and Mike Pinner will lead a session looking back on 2020 and forward to the 2021 season

Wed 10th Feb 7.30pm Animal Bones
Lynda Bradley will give a talk on animal bones

Wed 24th Feb 7.30pm Tas Valley
Wendy Shanks & Rob Bylett will take us through the Tas Valley Landscape project

Wed 10th March 7.30pm Coins
Ian Jackson will present a talk on coins

Wed 14th March 7.30pm Nat Harlow
Nat Harlow will present a talk

Wed 7th April 7.30pm Aylsham Roman Project
Members of the Aylsham Roman Project will present a talk on their work and findings to date


Posted on Tuesday 5th January 2021

Department of Classics and Archaeology

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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