Department of Classics and Archaeology

Gallou and O'Regan nominated for Tri-Campus Awards

Headshot of Chrysanthi Gallou next to text that reads: "Outstanding Supervisor Award - Highly Commended". This is a complex image. Please email for more information. Quote Supervisor Award.

We are delighted to announce that two members of the Department of Classics and Archaeology were nominated for Tri-Campus Awards this year. Chrysanthi Gallou and Hannah O'Regan were both nominated in the Outstanding Research Supervisor category for the 2021 Awards.

Chrysanthi was highly commended, with exceptional feedback from one of her students who wrote: 

"Chrysanthi Gallou is a truly amazing supervisor, but she is so much more than that. She takes care of the whole postgraduate community and is the driving force behind so many great initiatives. The university is truly lucky to have her." 

We are thrilled that Chrysanthi and Hannah's hard work has been recognised. We are very proud to have so many committed and passionate staff in our Department, including many more staff members not mentioned here today. 

Posted on Wednesday 26th May 2021

Department of Classics and Archaeology

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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