Department of Classics and Archaeology

Dr Gallou co-authors new paper on Pavlopetri pottery

Stack of books with one stood in front so the cover (displaying a landscape image above the title 'Middle and Late Helladic Laconia: Competing Principalities?') is clearly visible.

Dr Gallou co-authors new paper on Pavlopetri pottery

The chapter is titled 'Southern Laconia in the Middle and Earlier Late Bronze Age: pottery from Pavlopetri and other sites' and has published in an exciting new volume, Middle and Late Helladic Laconia: Competing principalities?, published by Sidestone press. 

It is co-authored with William Cavanagh (Emeritus Professor of Aegean Archaeology at the University of Nottingham), Ilias Spondylis (Ephorate of Underwater Antiquities, Hellenic Ministry of Culture) & Jon Henderson 

Find out more about the publication on the Sidestone Press website.



Posted on Wednesday 22nd September 2021

Department of Classics and Archaeology

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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