Department of Classics and Archaeology

Edmund Stewart co-organises new webinar series

On Tyranny and Democracy: Dictators and democrats in the Ancient Greek world

Dr Edmund Stewart, Assistant Professor in Ancient Greek History from our Department of Classics and Archaeology, is co-organising the new international webinar 'On Tyranny and Democracy'. This international webinar series is hosted by the Institute for Advanced Studies at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland and funded by the Initiative of Excellence - Research University program. 

This series of online lectures explores the understanding of tyranny and democracy in ancient thought, as well as the influence of ancient philosophers on contemporary political theory. It will be an opportunity to listen to outstanding foreign scientists. The first lecture will be held on November 4, 2021.

Visit the webinar series website.

Organisers: Mateusz Stróżyński (Poznań) and Edmund Stewart (Nottingham).


Autumn semester programme 

Edmund Stewart (University of Nottingham): ‘How to spot a tyrant’ – 4th of November, Thursday, 19h00 CET/18h00 GMT/20.00 EET. View this lecture on YouTube. 

Edward Harris (University of Durham): ‘How do laws and institutions affect the survival of democracy and tyranny?’ – 17th of November, Wednesday, 19h00 CET/18h00 GMT/20h00 EET. View this lecture on YouTube. 

James Kierstead (Victoria University of Wellington): ‘How Fine a Thing’: Isēgoria, State Performance, and Democratic Dignity – 7th of December, Tuesday, 9h00 CET/08h00 GMT/21h00 NZDT 

Xavier Marquez (Victoria University of Wellington) ‘A comparative study: how do modern dictatorships work? Studying modern authoritarian regimes alongside ancient political theory.’ – 11th of January, Tuesday, 9h00 CET/08h00 GMT/21h00 NZDT  

Panel discussion/meeting with students – 25th of January, Tuesday, 9h00 CET/8h00 GMT/10h00 EET/21h00 NZDT

Posted on Tuesday 12th October 2021

Department of Classics and Archaeology

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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