Department of Classics and Archaeology

Dr Will Bowden awarded a British Academy Mid-Career Fellowship

Dr Will Bowden, Associate Professor in Archaeology, has been awarded a 12-month British Academy Mid-Career Fellowship for the post-excavation and publication of the Caistor Project.  

The fellowship enables Will to fully write up the results of the Caistor Roman Town excavations (funded by the British Academy with additional support from the Roman Research Environment Service, Norfolk Museums and Archaeology Service, the Foyle Foundation, the Roman Society, the John Jarrold Trust and Anglian Home Improvements).  

In addition to this it allows Will to incorporate new results from Heritage Lottery Fund-supported research carried out by volunteers from the Caistor Roman Project, the charity set up to facilitate local community involvement in the research project. 


Posted on Tuesday 3rd March 2015

Department of Classics and Archaeology

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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