Department of Classics and Archaeology

Ambition Nottingham Archaeology Masterclass

9 April 2016
A22, Humanities Building, University Park 
Sign up for Ambition Nottingham

Ambition Nottingham will be holding an Archaeology masterclass for year 11 and 12 students. The event is designed to give students a taste of higher education and to learn more about studying Archaeology.

Speakers on the day will include assistant professor Chrysanthi Gallou, from the Department of Archaeology, who will talk about studying archaeology at university. British Geological Survey research scientist, Jane Evans, will also be talking about Richard III and what archaeologists have learned about his diet.

For further information visit the Ambition Nottingham webpage.
Posted on Monday 7th March 2016

Department of Classics and Archaeology

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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