Department of Classics and Archaeology

Dr Hannah O'Regan presents talk to British Science Association

Dr Hannah O’Regan will be presenting a talk entitled, 'Who's eating who? Hominins and carnivores in human evolution' to the British Science Association. 

Human-wildlife conflict is a major issue today, but it was also an issue for our ancestors. When hominins began to eat meat is not entirely certain, but once they did, they would have been in competition with the other large carnivores in the landscape: sabre-toothed cats, giant hyaenas, lions, and, in Europe, bears. This talk will examine the relationship between hominins and carnivores, beginning with African Australopithecus and ending with European Homo sapiens, drawing on some of the latest research to discuss when hominins were the hunters and when they were the hunted.

Date: 16 November 2017

Time: 6-7 pm

No admission charge and no need to book in advance!

Location: Lecture theatre B1, Physics Building, School of Physics & Astronomy, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham NG72 RD. (Map)

The Science Public Lecture series is support by the British Science Association Nottinghamshire Branch.

If you are interested in Hannah’s work, you can read University of Nottingham’s Archaeology blog ‘Untrenched Opinions’ or contact Hannah at


Posted on Friday 3rd November 2017

Department of Classics and Archaeology

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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