Department of Classics and Archaeology

Julian Henderson visits Nazarbayev University to discuss Silk Road research

A road between yellow mountain rock leads to pillars carved into the rock at Petra.

Image of the Silk Road

Julian Henderson will visit the Nazarbayev University in Kazakhstan in March 2018 to discuss silk road research links and possible new teaching links.

'The Silk Road' consisted of a number of ancient long-distance trade routes between Europe and China. It was a conduit for humans, languages, objects and diseases and is a fascinating example of international cross-boundary interaction that has mutually enriched the cultures of Eurasia and Africa for at least 2000 years. It facilitated the exchange of ideas that triggered new scientific and technological developments, and modified languages.

You can find out more about Julian Henderson's Silk Road research here.


Posted on Wednesday 31st January 2018

Department of Classics and Archaeology

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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