Department of Classics and Archaeology

LatinNow project in the news!

Morgane Andrieu featured in French news article on the LatinNow project. This is a complex image. Please email for more information. Quote Morgane Andrieu.

Dr Morgane Andrieu featured in French news article on the LatinNow project

The LatinNow project has been featured in the news! 

LatinNow is a 5-year international research project funded by the European Research Council and based at the University of Nottingham. Ahead of the international LatinNow Touring Exhibition's start next month, the team's hard work is already gaining recognition with segments in several French news outlets. 

One of the team members, Dr Morgane Andrieu was featured in a French regional newspaper discussing her amazing work with the project team (see image). 

There was also a segment on France 3 featuring Dr Morgane Andrieu's work, aided by numerous volunteers, on the graffiti on pottery from Lugdunum (Lyon). The bulletin asks 'Who could write in Roman Lugdunum?' and several participants discuss their involvement in the project, including Valentine, a student from Paris, explaining about learning how to draw the inscriptions. You can see the segement on YouTube here

Find out more about the LatinNow project by visiting the website at Please contact the LatinNow team if you have any further queries. 


Posted on Wednesday 31st July 2019

Department of Classics and Archaeology

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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