Department of Classics and Archaeology

Classics PhD student awarded place on AHRC International Placement Scheme

photo of John Bloxham

John Bloxham, a Classics PhD student, has won a place on the prestigious AHRC International Placement Scheme to work at the Library of Congress in Washington DC. The placement will last for 4 months in 2013 on the topic of ‘The Use and Reception of Greek Thought in US Conservative Literature - 1930-1965.’

The research undertaken in Washington will form part of John’s AHRC funded Doctoral research on the wider issue of conservative appropriations of classical Greek thought in America from World War II to the present.

Upon receiving the award John said 'I’m very excited about being awarded this placement and grateful for the support and advice of my supervisor in preparing the application. The LoC collections are vast and the placement will give me access to periodicals and works that are difficult to obtain in the UK. For obvious reasons Capitol Hill is an excellent base for a student of US politics, and it will also be a great opportunity to make contact with a number of the influential think-tanks based in Washington.'

Posted on Wednesday 10th October 2012

Department of Classics and Archaeology

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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