Department of Classics and Archaeology

Runciman Award 2014: Kostas Vlassopoulos shortlisted!

It is a pleasure to report that Greeks and Barbarians, by Nottingham’s own Kostas Vlassopoulos, has been shortlisted for the 2014 Runciman Award. The Runciman Award is awarded by the Anglo-Hellenic league each year for a book in English concerning Greece and its history. The shortlist can be seen herePDF file icon.

Dr Vlassopoulos’ book explores the interactions between Greeks and non-Greeks in the Mediterranean world in the archaic, classical and hellenistic periods. According to Professor Paul Cartledge, naming Greeks and Barbarians as his ‘favourite history book of the year so far’ in BBC History Magazine, the book ‘sets a new agenda in the field.’

Posted on Wednesday 7th May 2014

Department of Classics and Archaeology

University of Nottingham
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