Department of Classics and Archaeology

School Success at the Staff Oscars 2016

Organised by the Education Network of the Students’ Union, the University Staff Oscars is a student-led event. The nominations judging panel is comprised of School Education Representatives and Postgraduate Education Representatives, elected students who act as ‘head course reps’ for their School or Department. The process is then overseen by both the Education Officer and the Postgraduate Officer, the joint figureheads of the Network.

The results for this year's Staff Oscars are now in. We are pleased to announce that five of our School faculty members have been successful:

Teaching: Most inspiring
Winner – Liudmyla Sharipova (History)
Runner up – Naomi Sykes (Archaeology)

Best Postgraduate teacher
Winner – Will Leveritt (Classics)

Best all rounder
Winner – David Ingram (Philosophy)

Supervisors: Best dissertation supervisor
Runner up – Jonathan Tallant (Philosophy)

The winners will attend the award ceremony on 9 May 2016.
For the full list of winners please visit the Staff Oscars 2016

Posted on Saturday 24th February 2018

Department of Classics and Archaeology

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Contact details
Archaeology twitter
Classics twitter