The Department of Classics would like to congratulate Professor Helen Lovatt on her inaugural lecture, Epic Journeys, held on 15 February. The event was a great success and was well attended by both University staff and members of the public.
The lecture looked at epic heroes, from Jason to Aeneas and the Seven Against Thebes, who undertake perilous journeys to reach glory. But epic women just get in the way. The journey can be a metaphor for life, a career or a narrative. How does myth change as it travels? What different meanings can the idea of the journey convey? How do journeys define the epic genre? Why is Greek and Roman epic poetry still relevant today?
For those who were unable to attend, the lecture was recorded via lecture capture, and can be viewed online here.
If you would like to know more about Helen’s research, please email her at

De bouw van het schip 'Argo', Antoon Derkinderen, 1901–1911
Posted on Tuesday 28th February 2017