Department of Classics and Archaeology

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Image of Carl Buckland

Carl Buckland

Lecturer in Classics, Faculty of Arts



BA (Hons) in Greek and Roman Studies - University of Birmingham, 1997.

PhD in Classics - University of Nottingham, 2003. Thesis entitled - To Praise an Emperor: Imperial Panegyric and the Epideictic Tradition.

PGCHE - University of Nottingham, 2016.

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, 2016.

Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, 2020.

Part-time University Teacher - Department of Classics, University of Nottingham: October 1998 - June 2007.

Full-time University Teacher - Department of Classics, University of Nottingham: September 2007 - July 2011.

Lecturer in Classics - University of Nottingham: August 2011 - Present.

Director of Teaching - Department of Classics, University of Nottingham: August 2011 - July 2016.

School Senior Tutor - School of Humanities, University of Nottingham: January 2017 - January 2018.

Disability Liaison Officer - School of Humanities, University of Nottingham: January 2017 - January 2018.

Senior Tutor - Department of Classics and Archaeology, University of Nottingham: August 2011 - July 2017, January 2018 - July 2019. August 2020 - August 2021.

Study Abroad Liaison Officer - Department of Classics and Archaeology: August 2009 - Present.

I won a Lord Dearing Award for Teaching and Innovation in June 2019.

Expertise Summary

I teach a wide variety of modules from Greek and Roman history, to Greek and Latin prose literature such as biography, panegyric and novels, to classical reception in twentieth century sequential art (ie comics and film/TV), to Roman Dining, to Greek and Latin languages, to gender and sexuality in the Ancient World, to the reception of Alexander the Great and more besides. I am particularly interested in investigating the links between historiography and fiction - and where the boundaries lie in the ancient world.

Teaching Summary

Modules taught:

Level 1: Studying the Greek World, Studying the Roman World, Greek and Roman Myth.

Level 2: Classics and Popular Culture; Extended Source Study; Studying Classical Scholarship.

Level 3: Masculinity and Citizenship in the Ancient World, The Ancient Greek Novel, The Roman Novels, Imperial Biography, Roman Dining, Religion and the Romans, Cicero, The Christian Empire, Classics and Film, Classics and TV, Classics and Comics, Gender Fluidity in the Ancient World, Dissertation.

Level 4: Researching the Ancient World; Telling Stories in the Ancient World; The Legendary Adventures of Alexander the Great; Myth Society and Religion; MA Dissertation.

Levels 1-4: Beginners' Greek.

Research Summary

PhD Supervision

I am able to supervise research students in most areas of Imperial Roman social and cultural history from Early Empire to Late Antiquity, and Imperial Roman Literature, especially prose works such as biography, novels and historiography; as well as aspects of the reception of classical antiquity in modern culture, and sexuality and gender in both the Greek and Roman Worlds. I am currently supervising one research student who is working on the depiction of female friendships in the Ancient Greek Novels. I previously supervised to success theses on Damnatio Memoriae in Late Antiquity, which was successfully awarded a PhD in 2014; another on the Reception of Spartan Masculinity in Athenian Literature, which was successfully awarded a PhD in 2018; and another on the Reception of Sappho in the 18th Century, which was successfully awarded a PhD in 2019.

I am happy to discuss ideas and proposals with other potential research students on subjects they feel I might be able to assist them with.

Recent Publications

  • BUCKLAND, CS, 2010. To praise the emperor: Imperial panegyric and the epideictic tradition Saarbrücken : VDM Verlag Dr. Müller.

Department of Classics and Archaeology

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Contact details
Archaeology twitter
Classics twitter