Department of Classics and Archaeology

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Image of Peter Hulse

Peter Hulse

Honorary Research Fellow,



2016- Honorary Research Fellow, Department of Classics and Archaeology, Nottingham.

2009-15 Postgraduate Ph.D. Student, Department of Classics, University of Nottingham.

2000-9 Head of Classics and IT, IT Co-ordinator, Mount St. Mary's College, Spinkhill, Sheffield.

1983 Joint Director of ARLT Summer School at Chester (with R.A.Hulse).

1975-2000 Head of Classics, IT Co-ordinator, Exams Officer, Director of International Curricular Development and Residential Experience, Year Tutor, Westfield School, Mosborough, Sheffield.

1974-5 P.G.C.E., University of Sheffield.

1973-4 Gladstone Senior Greek Scholar, University College London.

1972-4 Ph.D., University College, London.

1971-2 M.A. (with distinction), Department of Greek, University of Sheffield.

1971 Petrie Watson Travel Exhibition, Gibbons prize for performance in Final Examinations.

1968-71 B.A. Hons. (Class I), Classics, University of Sheffield.

Expertise Summary

Since 2016 I have been the secretary of the Sheffield Branch of the Classical Association and maintained their website / blog at

I have also been an active member of Groups reading and discussing Latin and Greek texts in Sheffield: an off-shoot of which has been the development of the on-line resource: for which I have full responsibility.

Research Summary

My M.A. thesis, entitled 'Characterisation in the Argonautica of Apollonius Rhodius with special attention to linguistic and lexical features' used computer analysis to determine the significance and… read more

Recent Publications

Current Research

My M.A. thesis, entitled 'Characterisation in the Argonautica of Apollonius Rhodius with special attention to linguistic and lexical features' used computer analysis to determine the significance and aid the discussion of these features. It was supervised by Professor R. A. Crossland.

This was followed by work on a commentary on Book 4 of the Argonautica of Apollonius Rhodius, lines 1-481 under the supervision of Mr. A. H. Griffiths. Although finished in manuscript form, the thesis was never submitted. I was able to return to it after retirement and under the supervision of Professors P. J. Finglass and H. Lovatt, it was completely revised, finished and successfully submitted at the end of 2015 for the degree of Ph.D. It is available here

I am currently (since May 2017) under contract to produce a digital commentary on the whole of Argonautica Book 4 for this site: That has now been completed and may be viewed here:

Future Research

I have also recently signed a contract with Brill Publishing to produce an edition of a seventeenth century Latin novel written by a Bavarian Jesuit called Johannes Bissel. There is more about this available on this website:

Department of Classics and Archaeology

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Contact details
Archaeology twitter
Classics twitter