Department of Music

Frequently Asked Questions

Please find some frequently asked questions below.

We hope that these will answer your query. 

If you are still unsure, please contact us at and we will aim to reply within three working days. 

An orchestra play on a large stage with an organ behind them, to a large audience

What's on

What performances are happening in the department?

The department runs recitals and lunchtime concerts. Our upcoming lunchtime concerts are listed here, and recitals here.

How can I get involved with music at University of Nottingham?

Our performance opportunities can be found on our performance page

If you are a student, you might also be interested in contacting one of the student societies. These are listed in the answer to the next question.


What music-related Student Societies are there at University of Nottingham? 



Studying Music at University of Nottingham

How do I find out about music courses at University of Nottingham?

Please direct course or admissions enquiries to or

Alternatively, see our online undergraduate prospectus or postgraduate prospectus and send enquiries through our online enquiries form.

How many performance lessons do music students receive?

Students on performance modules receive 16 hours of one-to-one tuition in the first year, 18 hours in the second year, and 20 hours in the third year. Any further tuition, such as on a second instrument, must be paid for privately. 

What kind of performance do you do other than classical?

We have students studying electric guitar, folk fiddle, musical theatre and a variety of less conventional instruments. We teach all types of music. 



Instruments and tuition

Can non-music students or members of the public sign up for instrumental tuition?

Tutors are employed by the University to provide lessons for Music Performance students as part of their course. Many of them also offer private tuition, however this is not arranged or provided by the University. 

You are welcome to contact our instrumental or voice tutors to check whether they offer private lessons. Their contact details can be found on their profile pages, where provided, or on the “performance” noticeboard by the music administration office.

Please note that Music Department facilities can only be used for lessons by members of the University of Nottingham. While some of the tutors do offer tuition to members of the public, these are private arrangements and University facilities cannot be used. 

Can I borrow instruments from the department?

Instruments at the University are only for the use of staff, students and established partners and collaborators. If you fall into one of these categories and would like further information, please email

Can I use the Steinway piano in the Djanogly Recital Hall? 

Due to misuse in previous years, access to the Steinway piano is restricted. The piano has a fall lock that prevents unauthorised use. The key can be collected from the Music administration office by authorised users. Photo ID must be provided before a key will be issued. 

It can be used by:

  • All Department of Music academic staff
  • All Department of Music instrumental tutors 
  • Department-endorsed accompanists 
  • Specified Music students 
  • Mussoc President – for concerts only
  • Blowsoc President – for concerts only

 Any further enquiries for access should be addressed to Elizabeth Kelly.

Can I use the Yamaha piano in the Rehearsal Hall? 

Due to misuse in previous years, access to the Yamaha piano is restricted. The piano has a fall lock that prevents unauthorised use. The key can be collected from the Music administration office by authorised users. Photo ID must be provided before a key will be issued.

It can be used by:

  • All Department of Music academic staff
  • All Department of Music instrumental tutors 
  • Department-endorsed accompanists 
  • All Music students 
  • External bookings of the Rehearsal Hall with confirmed prior arrangement 

 Any further enquiries for access should be addressed to Elizabeth Kelly.

Can I use the Yamaha piano in the Chamber Music Room? 

Due to misuse in previous years, access to the Yamaha piano is restricted. The piano has a fall lock that prevents unauthorised use. The key can be collected from the Music administration office by authorised users. Photo ID must be provided before a key will be issued.

It can be used by:

    • All Department of Music academic staff
    • Specified Department of Music instrumental tutors 
    • Specified Music students 

 Any further enquiries for access should be addressed to Elizabeth Kelly.



Accessing or hiring facilities 

Can I use the facilities within the department?

Priority for the use of the Music Department facilities is always given to Music students and events, followed by members of the wider University. 

Some of our spaces are available for external hire. Please see below for further details. 

Who can use the practice rooms?

The practice rooms within the Arts Centre are available to all University of Nottingham staff and students.

Music students take priority and can book up to two hours per day, between 8am until 10pm, seven days a week, via the Booking PortalNon-Music students can use the rooms when free but must relinquish the room if required by a Music student or staff member.

Find out more about the practice rooms and instruments available here.

Further information, including the latest updates for both bookings and ad-hoc use can also be found in the news section of the Booking Portal

Is it possible to hire venues in the Arts Centre?

It is possible to hire our venues for a fee, apart from the recording studio. For further information, and to get a quote for the hiring of any of the Arts Centre venues, please email

If you would like to use any of the instruments in these rooms or require a specific set-up, please ensure that this information is included in your request. 

Is it possible to hire the University’s recording studio? 

The studio is not available for hire. It is reserved for Music Technology students who require the facility in order to complete their coursework portfolios.

There are many local competitively-priced recording facilities in Nottingham that might be able to accommodate your requirements. Some examples are:



Advertising and promotion 

Can you send around my call for papers?

Please send all calls for papers to who will circulate these if appropriate.

Can I advertise my music event/job to music students and academics?

Please email your advert as a poster (A4 or smaller) to and we will display this in the department if appropriate. If you would like to send a hard copy, please post it to:

Music department office
Arts Centre
University Park



Hiring performers

Can anyone from the department play at my event?



Department of Music

The University of Nottingham
Lakeside Arts Centre
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Admission enquiries
All other enquiries
- Telephone: +44 (0)115 951 5841
- Email: