Concert – Orlando Consort: La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc

Wednesday 4th November 2015 (20:00-21:30)
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Condemned unseen in France on its release, vilified by the Catholic authorities, and banned outright in England, Carl Theodor Dreyer’s ‘La Passion de Jeanne d’Arc’ (1928) is widely recognised as a silent masterpiece, regularly appearing in lists of the top 10 greatest films ever made.

Inspired by Dreyer’s vision, the award-winning Orlando Consort presents an entirely new, carefully crafted soundtrack of music from the era in which the film is set. The intricate beauty of 15th-century works by Binchois and Dufay, together with animated motets and haunting plainsong, amplify the poignant depiction of medieval France and provide a highly evocative accompaniment to this landmark film.

Department of Music

The University of Nottingham
Lakeside Arts Centre
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Admission enquiries
All other enquiries
- Telephone: +44 (0)115 951 5841
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