Department of Music

NottFAR - Recomposing the city

Djanogly Recital Hall
Friday 26th May 2017 (13:15-17:30)

Recomposing the city: New scores for silent films

A concert of bass (Simon Paterson), piano (Matt Ratcliffe), drums (Ian Beestin) and saxophone (Pete Beardsworth).

1:15 - 1:45pm Mervyn Cooke (Music, The University of Nottingham) introduces the 'City Symphony'.

1:45 - 2:55pm Screening of Dziga Vertov’s innovative ‘City Symphony’ Man with a Movie Camera with new scores by students in the Composing for Words, Theatre and Moving Image module.

3:15 - 3:45pm Polly McMichael (Russian and Slavonic Studies, The University of Nottingham) discusses Dziga Vertov’s depiction of entertainment in the capitalist city in A Sixth Part of the World.

3:45 - 4:45pm Screening of Dziga Vertov's A Sixth Part of the World, with new student scores.

4:45 - 5:30pm Keynote address by Ed Hughes (composer, Sussex University) on his score to a new silent film Brighton: Symphony of a City (Lizzie Thynne, 2016), including excerpts from the film.

Friday 26 May
Djanogly Recital Hall.

Admission: Free

For more details of the NottFAR series see here.

Department of Music

The University of Nottingham
Lakeside Arts Centre
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Admission enquiries
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- Telephone: +44 (0)115 951 5841
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