Department of Music

César Moreno releases new book - Ópera de México: Colección de artículos del Primer Diplomado en Ópera Mexicana

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César Moreno has released a new book: Ópera de México: Colección de artículos del Primer Diplomado en Ópera Mexicana

About the book

Ópera de México (Opera from Mexico) gathers articles presented by specialist and emerging opera scholars during the Seminar on Mexican opera organised in 2020-2021 by the Fausto de Andres y Aguirre Music College. This ambitious work collects in a single volume more than 400 years of music and theatrical practices in Mexico, with a focus on opera. The book explores pre-European music and theatrical practices, opera during the colonial era, and the development of opera in independent Mexico in the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. The reader will approach a rich and complex history which links Mexico to the major operatic traditions. The volume explores the history of the production of opera in Mexico, its singers, composers, works, and institutions, and can be of great interest to musicologists, historians, theatre scholars, cultural management, Latin America scholars, etc.

César Moreno is a recent graduate of University of Nottingham (PhD in Music) and his doctoral research explores ''experiencing opera in the contemporary world''. 


Posted on Thursday 17th March 2022

Department of Music

The University of Nottingham
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Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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