Department of Music

Nanette Nielsen receives three University awards

Nanette Nielsen has made a terrific contribution to the student experience this year and received three University awards: a Staff Oscar, awarded by the Student Union in the category of ‘most inspiring teacher’; a Vice-Chancellor’s Award in recognition of her role in coordinating the Music Department’s involvement in Nottingham’s In Harmony project; and a Lord Dearing Award for teaching.  Nanette’s enthusiasm and commitment to the students has been impressive and the Department congratulates her!

The Staff Oscars are awarded annually and the Department of Music had two nominations this year: Mervyn Cooke (‘best dissertation supervisor’) and Nanette Nielsen (‘most inspiring teacher’); Nanette went on to win her category.

In Harmony Nottingham is an innovative three-year project based on the inspirational Venezuelan El Sistema.  It is managed by the Arts Council and jointly funded by them and the Department for Education.  Sixteen students from the Department of Music participated as In Harmony Mentors, with more students are applying to take part next year.  This pioneering role involves working with one of four primary schools in Nottingham on a weekly basis to put into practice the proven potential of music to be a transformative power in disadvantaged communities.

Being an In Harmony Mentor is a remarkable opportunity for our students.  As well as working with professional musicians from Sinfonia Viva and teachers from the lead partner of the programme, the Nottingham City Music Service, they gain valuable experience for their future careers and have a direct and meaningful impact on the lives of local children and communities.

Since 1999, the Lord Dearing Award Scheme has recognised the outstanding achievements of The University of Nottingham staff in enhancing the student learning experience.

Posted on Friday 21st June 2013

Department of Music

The University of Nottingham
Lakeside Arts Centre
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