Department of Music

Robert Pascall

We are sorry to announce that Robert Pascall, Emeritus Professor of Music at the University of Nottingham, has recently passed away.

Nicholas Baragwanath, head of the Department of Music, paid tribute to Professor Pascall, saying: “Robert was a superb colleague, a first-rate scholar, and a wonderful friend to the Department. His contribution over many years was immense. We owe him a great deal. 

“After his retirement, he regularly popped in to say hello, and I and others enjoyed many fascinating chats with him – especially about Brahms. 

“He will be sorely missed by everyone in the Department.”

A memorial concert is being planned for autumn 2018.


Posted on Friday 6th July 2018

Department of Music

The University of Nottingham
Lakeside Arts Centre
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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