Department of Philosophy

About distance learning

Our Systematic and Philosophical Theology MA is taught by distance learning. This enables you to study the same sorts of modules as if studying on campus and fit your study around existing commitments and lifestyle.

You use materials prepared and supported by our academics, who are experts not just in their chosen fields, but also in working with distance learners.

Our tutors have a long tradition of distance learning and have the expertise and resources to support you and ensure you get the most from your studies.

Queries about our distance learning degrees



If you have other queries, please email


How will I study?

Distance learning is not exclusively online.

On successful enrolment, you will receive a study pack compiled by your course tutors. The pack includes a module guide with course notes, core readings, links to further readings and essay questions.

The course materials, together with practical information to help you through the course, are also available on Moodle, our virtual learning environment.

Tutors give advice and support by email, MS Teams chat video calls and through forums on Moodle.


We have reciprocal agreements between university libraries, which permit you to use the facilities at the libraries nearest your home.

Video resources

We have a range of innovative videos developed at Nottingham and being used as learning resources around the world. We are constantly adding to our collections.

Video gallery

video resources

What are the tutors like?

You can see the complete list of our staff on the staff listing page.

Visiting us

There is no need to visit the University in person to successfully complete the course. We have many successful graduates who we have never met in person! However, if you wish to visit you will receive a warm welcome.

We hold an annual residential seminar in the spring. In addition to meeting other distance learners, you'll have the chance to meet full-time, campus-based students as well as academic and administrative staff. There is a programme of seminars and lectures as well as time to use the library and soak up the atmosphere.

Frequently asked questions

What are the deadlines for applications?


Are the distance learning MA courses eligible for US federal loans?


Is any financial aid available from the University of Nottingham?


Who should I ask to be my referees?


I'm trying to choose between studying over two, three or four years. How would I plan my studies over these different lengths of time? 


If I register to pursue an MA over four years, can I complete sooner?


If I register to pursue the MA over two years, can I extend my registration if I don’t complete on time?


Do I receive an award if I don’t complete the MA?


How long does a module take?


How many books or articles am I expected to read in the preparation of my essay?


Are the distance learning Masters degrees intended to lead to doctoral study?


I have a 2:2 degree completed some years ago. Should I still consider applying?


What is the US GPA equivalent of the UK entry requirements?


I have a first degree in science/social science. Can I apply?


Should I contact the Course Director before applying?


Department of Philosophy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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