Department of Philosophy

The Nottingham approach - understand the world in order to change it

  • Develop key skills in reasoning, ethics and logic.
  • Learn to think clearly, argue coherently and communicate effectively.
  • Question dominant ideologies, analyse social power and injustices and imagine new and better ways of living together.

An unusually diverse range of modules

Our modules are broadly clustered into:

  • Applied, feminist, and social philosophy
  • Moral philosophy
  • Metaphysics and mind
  • Logic and language
  • Asian philosophies
  • Practical and professional skills

Our diversity allows you to explore widely and concentrate on the areas you are passionate about.

Explore the Philosophy modules available

Joseph and Ian give you an overview of two of their modules:

Philosophy of Recreation

Philosophy and Mortality


A global perspective

We offer opportunities to explore the Indian and Chinese philosophical traditions. Understanding other people's way of thinking helps us to successfully connect and communicate - a vital skill in a global society.

Our study abroad schemes also allow you to experience living and learning in a different culture.

A supportive environment

Doing philosophy can be very personal. It can give you new ways to reflect on and understand your own life, habits, and identities, in a world that doesn’t always make that easy. We'll support you as you explore:

  • sex and gender
  • religion and science
  • racism and society
  • language and the mind
  • ethics and the law
  • chronic illness and mental health

Find out more about the support available


Interested? Visit us on an open day to find out more

Department of Philosophy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Contact us