Department of Philosophy

Work experience and volunteering

Whatever career you develop - teacher, lawyer, or even professional philosopher - we'll develop skills to make you "workplace ready".

Work experience

Our Work Placement module will give you direct experience of a workplace, developing hard and soft skills. A part-time professional placement in an external organisation is backed up with classroom reflection and support from our Careers service.

Philosophy in Schools project

All philosophy students at Nottingham get the chance to teach philosophy in local primary schools. As well as building your own teaching and management skills you'll also be developing crucial critical thinking skills in the next generation.

Communicating Philosophy module

Professionals such as lawyers and journalists will help you apply your philosophical skills to a range of different careers. Learn how to communicate difficult concepts in a range of formats - for example, legal documents, funding bids or even press releases. Professor Andy Fisher has written a great blog about how this unique module developed and the benefits for students.

Joe Hesford, Commercial Finance Manager, describes his role and the skills he gained from studying philosophy at University of Nottingham.

Department of Philosophy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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