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The University of Nottingham has full copyright over this image database.  All of the images used on this site are cleared for University use.  However, this copyright extends only to The University of Nottingham and for the purposes of promoting the official business activities of the University.

The authors of the images contained within this database have assigned copyright to the University of Nottingham OR have agreed to unrestricted use for our use.  In some cases, the author of the image must be credited wherever the image appears.  This is indicated within the library.

In the case of images of individuals, free and unlimited use of these images by the University has been obtained either via the use of hired models or through the direct consent of the photographee.

On no account must these images be used by any third party for any purpose without the permission of Marketing & Communications and, where necessary, the image subject.

If you are in any doubt about the use of any of these images please contact Marketing & Communications.

For approved external users of this site, the University's standard copyright terms also apply - these are available at www.nottingham.ac.uk.