Cambridge University Press series
Histories of Slavery and its Global Legacies (HSGL) series with Cambridge University Press
An emerging series of publications from Cambridge University Press (CUP) edited by Dr Sascha Auerbach and Dr Juanita De Barros.
About the series
The HSGL series covers the histories of enslavement, coerced labor, labor migration, and the legacies of these practices across the globe. Focusing on English-language scholarship, it welcomes proposals on these topics in the European, African, Caribbean, North and South American, and Asian contexts.
While broad in conceptual scope, HSGL aims to provide a coherent vision, in line with the “legacies” theme, by focusing on late-stage slavery (i.e. late-eighteenth and nineteenth century) and the legacies of the institution from Emancipation in the British Empire through the end of the First World War.
It especially welcomes works that place different regions (e.g. the Caribbean and the Indian Ocean World) and different approaches (e.g. legal history vs. postcolonial history) in conversation with one another. The series is published with support from the University of Nottingham’s Institute for the Study of Slavery (ISOS).
About the series editors
Dr. Sascha Auerbach is an Associate Professor of Modern British and Colonial History and director of the Institute for the Study of Slavery at the University of Nottingham (UK).
Dr. Juanita De Barros is a Professor in the Department of History at McMaster University and the incoming director of the Centre for Human Rights and Restorative Justice at McMaster University (CA).
Guidelines for submissions
For guidance on how to submit a proposal to the series please contact either of the co-editors, Sascha ( or Juanita (