ISOS Seminar Series: Hidden in Plain Sight

Thursday 8th March 2012 (17:15-18:15)

Dr Jackie Sheehan (University of Nottingham) will speak on ‘Hidden in Plain Sight: The Recruitment, Transportation and Employment of Chinese Victims of Transnational Trafficking to the UK’


Chinese nationals form the second-largest group of recognized victims of trafficking in the UK, according to statistics compiled by the UK Human Trafficking Centre (UKHTC). However, my research has shown that these figures underestimate the actual extent of trafficking from China into the UK, and also that there is a wider range of Chinese victims ending up in the UK in terms of age, gender, employment destination, and even immigration status, than is often supposed. Drawing on a total of more than 50 cases of trafficking into the UK, my work locates trafficking within the context of arranged migration out of China, showing that rather than there being clearly identifiable individuals who are traffickers and victims, it is more a case of identifying exploitative and controlling relationships between agents and migrants which can be defined as trafficking.

This lecture is part of the ISOS Seminar Series 2011/2012

Everyone welcome













Institute for the Study of Slavery

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD
