Institute for the Study of Slavery

ISOS Seminar Series: Compensating Slave Owners; Compensating for Slavery?

Thursday 8th December 2011 (17:15-18:15)

Dr Nick Draper (LSE) will speak on ‘Compensating Slave Owners; Compensating for Slavery? The Legacies of British Slave-ownership project in context'

This paper explores the connections between the compensation paid to British colonial slave-owners in the 1830s and more recent debates over reparations and restitution for slavery. It sets the work now underway in the Legacies of British Slave-ownership project at UCL in the context of the historical process of compensation to British colonial slave-owners, and highlights some of the issues raised in taking this work into the realm of public history.

This lecture is part of the ISOS Seminar Series 2011/2012

Everyone welcome




Institute for the Study of Slavery

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD
