Institute for the Study of Slavery

The Guardian newspaper investigate's potential links to historical slavery

Historical image of the Manchester Guardian newspaper from 1821

The Guardian in its former incarnation as the Manchester Guardian 1821

Scott Trust commissions research into Guardian founder's possible links to slave trade 

Independent researchers have been brought in by the Scott Trust, owners of the Guardian, to examine any historical connections the newspaper may have had to the slave trade.

The review will research potential links, through investments and business activities, between transatlantic slavery and John Edward Taylor, the journalist who founded the Manchester Guardian in 1821, and his associates. The newspaper doesn't suspect Taylor owned slaves himself, or had direct connections, but admits the likelyhood that trading partners had links with cotton plantations at the time.

Read the full article on the Guardian website here


Posted on Friday 31st July 2020

Institute for the Study of Slavery

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD
