
Estates and Facilities Directorate

The Estates and Facilities Directorate is an integrated structure combining the Estate Office and Hospitality Department under the leadership of the Director of Estates and Facilities. The integrated organisational structure has been in place since 2009 and consists of five distinct and logical operational divisions, each with director-level leadership. The divisions are supported by common support services, namely commercial and business support units embedded within the directorate and dedicated teams within HR and finance. The structure provides an efficient and effective model maximising cross-boundary opportunities and synergies between estates and hospitality functions, while maintaining separate and transparent financial accounting between functions as required by sector finance reporting practices.

The integrated structure is designed to deliver resource efficiencies by removing duplication of effort, centralising common tasks and providing a framework of comprehensive operating procedures and control documentation.

The structure also provides a focus for a more responsive and comprehensive service, better communication within and without the directorate with improved service delivery and student experience.

The directorate directly employs over 1,000 staff supplemented by outsourced services and a comprehensive network of suppliers and contractors.

The estate is one of the largest in the Higher Education sector and consists of four campus locations in the Nottingham area plus premises on two hospital sites. The buildings portfolio extends to 650,000 m2 with 1,400 acres of land ownership