

We have 12 different languages available with options from absolute beginners to advanced. Explore and find the right course for you.


Looking for Mandarin? Mandarin courses are run through the Nottingham Confucius Institute

Looking to enrol? Enrolment is now open. Book online

Deciding between two levels or would like some more detailed information about the content of our courses? E-mail to request a full course description for the evening class you are interested in. 

Arabic - modern standard

Arabic is one of the most spoken languages in the world, as well as one of the official languages of the United Nations. 

Learning Arabic can be challenging but exciting, as you are introduced to the various dialects and forms of Arabic and get to understand more about this Semitic language.

Our evening classes cover basic everyday Arabic, which will help you to manipulate the language in an authentic environment, whether for business, travelling or communicating with native speakers. 

Levels available

Level 1

What's covered

We'll introduce some of the basic structures of the language through topics related to social and everyday life in the country/countries where it is spoken. The focus is on listening, speaking and reading simple materials that introduce basic grammatical structures. 

Who is it aimed at?

  • Complete beginners with no previous knowledge of the language.

Length of course

  • 20 weeks

Day and time

  • Wednesdays, 6 to 8pm


Course fees

Members of the public

  • Bookings up to and including 16 September 2024 - £285
  • Bookings after 16 September 2024 - £300

University of Nottingham staff and students

  • £285

Term dates

  • Term 1: 7 October 2024 to 13 December 2024 (10 weeks)
  • Term 2: 20 January 2025 to 28 March 2025 (10 weeks)

Level 2

What's covered?

We'll build on grammatical structures and vocabulary you may be familiar with but need to consolidate.

You'll develop your speaking, writing and comprehension skills, and prepare for guided communication in real life situations in the countries where the language is spoken.

Grammatical structures of the language are practised with authentic materials.

The target language is used as much as possible in class.

Who is it aimed at?

Learners with previous basic knowledge of the language. This is the right level for you if you have:

  • attended level 1 of our evening class programme or a beginners course elsewhere
  • completed approximately 80 hours of previous study (40 hours contact time and 40 hours personal study)
  • studied the language at school some time ago and feel you need a refresher
  • level A1 (or equivalent) on the CEFR.

Length of course

  • 20 weeks

Day and time

  • Tuesdays, 6.30 to 8.30pm


Course fees

Members of the public

  • Bookings up to and including 16 September 2024 - £285
  • Bookings after 16 September 2024 - £300

University of Nottingham staff and students

  • £285

Term dates

  • Term 1: 7 October 2024 to 13 December 2024 (10 weeks)
  • Term 2: 20 January 2025 to 28 March 2025 (10 weeks)

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British Sign Language (BSL)

Whether you hope to use it at work or at home, these evening classes will help you become a better, and more inclusive, communicator. 

Levels available

Level 1

What's covered

A range of topics that involve simple, everyday language use. Class work emphasises watching and practice of BSL skills learned to reinforce vocabulary and sentence structure. Self-study consists of reviewing and practising work done in class. You'll cover three BSL units:

  • BSL 101 Introduction to BSL - meeting people, using numbers, weather, transport, directions
  • BSL 102 Conversational BSL - Discussing hobbies and activities for example how you spend your weekends or free time. Describing your pets and favourite animals; people you know either family or friends; what you like to eat and drink at work, school, college, or home; your house.
  • BSL 103 Conversational BSL - Describing how the weather affects your daily routine; a place or building familiar to your daily life; a typical day in your life; your daily travel routine; someone you know at work, university or through your everyday life; what you like best about work or university.

Students who successfully complete this course will reach the standard of the full Signature BSL level 1 qualification.

Who is it aimed at?

  • Complete beginners with no previous knowledge of the language.

Length of course

  • 30 weeks

Day and time

  • Thursdays, 6.30 to 8.30pm 


Course fees

  • Members of the public

    • Bookings up to and including 16 September 2024 - £570 (Split into three instalments of £190 each)
    • Bookings after 16 September 2024 - £600 (Split into three instalments of £200 each)

    University of Nottingham staff and students

    • £570 (split into three instalments of £190 each)

Course fees are payable in three equal instalments and includes all registration and exam entry fees for the Signature BSL level 1 qualification.

Term dates

  • Term 1: 7 October 2024 to 13 December 2024 (10 weeks) 
  • Term 2: 13 January 2025 to 4 April 2025 (12 weeks) 
  • Term 3: 28 April 2025 to 20 June 2025 (8 weeks)

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You might associate French with being the language of food, culture and love, but it is also a global language of communication. French is one of the most popular languages in the world - being spoken by around 220 million people, either as a first, second or acquired language. 

Our evening classes will improve your everyday French language skills and introduce the culture and history of France and the Francophone world.

Levels available

Level 1

What's covered

We'll introduce some of the basic structures of the language through topics related to social and everyday life in France and French-speaking countries. The focus is on listening, speaking and reading simple materials that introduce basic grammatical structures. 

Who is it aimed at?

  • Complete beginners with no previous knowledge of the language.

Length of course

  • 20 weeks

Day and time

There are two separate groups:

  • Group 1:  Mondays, 6.30 to 8.30pm
  • Group 2: Thursdays, 6.30 to 8.30pm


Course fees

Members of the public

  • Bookings up to and including 16 September 2024 - £285
  • Bookings after 16 September 2024 - £300

University of Nottingham staff and students

  • £285

Term dates

  • Term 1: 7 October 2024 to 13 December 2024 (10 weeks)
  • Term 2: 20 January 2025 to 28 March 2025 (10 weeks)

Level 2

What's covered?

We'll build on grammatical structures and vocabulary you may be familiar with but need to consolidate.

You'll develop your speaking, writing and comprehension skills, and prepare for guided communication in real life situations in France and French-speaking countries.

Grammatical structures of the language are practised with authentic materials.

French is used as much as possible in class.

Who is it aimed at?

Learners with previous basic knowledge of the language. This is the right level for you if you have:

  • attended level 1 of our evening class programme or a beginners course elsewhere
  • completed approximately 80 hours of previous study (40 hours contact time and 40 hours personal study)
  • studied the language at school some time ago and feel you need a refresher
  • level A1 (or equivalent) on the CEFR.

Length of course

  • 20 weeks

Day and time

 There are two separate groups:

  • Group 1: Mondays, 6.30-8.30pm ONLINE
  • Group 2: Wednesdays, 6.30-8.30pm


  • Group 1 - This class will be delivered exclusively online via Microsoft Teams. You will need to use the desktop version of Microsoft Teams from a laptop/PC as functionality is restricted if you access via a tablet or mobile phone. Once registration has closed, the tutor will send you a link for the class.
  • Group 2University Park campus


Course fees

Members of the public

  • Bookings up to and including 16 September 2024 - £285
  • Bookings after 16 September 2024 - £300

University of Nottingham staff and students

  • £285

Term dates

  • Term 1: 7 October 2024 to 13 December 2024 (10 weeks)
  • Term 2: 20 January 2025 to 28 March 2025 (10 weeks)

Level 3

What's covered

To continue previous study, consolidate and introduce more advanced grammatical structures and vocabulary.

You'll develop speaking, writing and comprehension skills, and prepare for communication in real life situations in France and French-speaking countries.

Grammatical structures of the language are practised with authentic materials.

French is used as much as possible in class.

Who is it aimed at?

Learners with previous basic knowledge of the language. This is the right level for you if:

  • you have attended level 2 of our evening class programme or equivalent
  • you have completed approximately 160 hours of previous study (e.g. pre-GCSE or equivalent)
  • you have a rusty GCSE/O level
  • you have a high A1/low A2 on the CEFR 

Length of course

  • 20 weeks

Day and time

  • Thursdays, 6.30 to 8.30pm


Course fees

Members of the public

  • Bookings up to and including 16 September 2024 - £285
  • Bookings after 16 September 2024 - £300

University of Nottingham staff and students

  • £285

Term dates

  • Term 1: 7 October 2024 to 13 December 2024 (10 weeks)
  • Term 2: 20 January 2025 to 28 March 2025 (10 weeks)

Level 4

What's covered

A continuation of previous study to further develop speaking, writing and comprehension skills. You'll extend your range of grammatical structures and vocabulary and prepare for more complex communication in real life situations.

More advanced grammatical structures of the language are practised with authentic materials and French is used predominantly in class.

You will study language through a variety of themes relevant to France and French-speaking countries.

Who is it aimed at?

Learners with previous knowledge of the language. This is the right level for you if:

  • you have attended level 3 of our evening class programme or equivalent
  • you have completed approximately 240 hours of previous language study
  • you have a good recent GCSE (7-9/A*-B)
  • you have A2/A2+ on the CEFR

Length of course

  • 20 weeks

Day and time

  • Mondays, 6.30 to 8.30pm


Course fees

Members of the public

  • Bookings up to and including 16 September 2024 - £285
  • Bookings after 16 September 2024 - £300

University of Nottingham staff and students

  • £285

Term dates

  • Term 1: 7 October 2024 to 13 December 2024 (10 weeks)
  • Term 2: 20 January 2025 to 28 March 2025 (10 weeks)

Level 5

What's covered

You'll further develop communication skills and fluency and gain increased accuracy in use of grammatical structures and vocabulary.

Advanced grammatical structures of the language are practised with authentic materials and French is used throughout.

You will study language through a variety of themes relevant to France and French-speaking countries.

Who is it aimed at?

Learners with extensive previous knowledge of the language. This is the right level for you if: 

  • you have attended level 4 of our evening class programme
  • you have AS or A level 
  • you have a level equivalent to B1 on the CEFR 

Length of course

  • 20 weeks

Day and time

  • Thursdays, 6.30 to 8.30pm


Course fees

Members of the public

  • Bookings up to and including 16 September 2024 - £285
  • Bookings after 16 September 2024 - £300

University of Nottingham staff and students

  • £285

Term dates

  • Term 1: 7 October 2024 to 13 December 2024 (10 weeks)
  • Term 2: 20 January 2025 to 28 March 2025 (10 weeks)


What's covered

More information coming soon

Who is it aimed at?

Learners with extensive previous knowledge of the language. This is the right level for you if: 

  • you have attended level 5 of our evening class programme or equivalent
  • you have A level 
  • you have a level equivalent to B1+/B2 on the CEFR 

Length of course

  • 20 weeks

Day and time

  • Tuesdays, 6.30 to 8.30pm



Term dates

  • Term 1: 7 October 2024 to 13 December 2024 (10 weeks)
  • Term 2: 20 January 2025 to 28 March 2025 (10 weeks)


Course fees

Members of the public

  • Bookings up to and including 16 September 2024 - £285
  • Bookings after 16 September 2024 - £300

University of Nottingham staff and students

  • £285



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Whether you want to learn German for business, pleasure or travel, our evening classes will help you to communicate in a wide range of situations and settings.

Germany is often referred to as “Land der Dichter und Denker” (a country of poets and thinkers). It is also well known that a knowledge of German helps with business, science and research. It is:

  • the second most commonly used scientific language in the world
  • the second most widely spoken language in Europe
  • the number one language in Europe, in terms of the number of native speakers

Levels available

Level 1

What's covered

We'll introduce some of the basic structures of the language through topics related to social and everyday life in Germany and German-speaking countries. The focus is on listening, speaking and reading simple materials that introduce basic grammatical structures. 

Who is it aimed at?

  • Complete beginners with no previous knowledge of the language.

Length of course

  • 20 weeks

Day and time

There are two separate groups:

  • Group 1: Mondays, 6.30 to 8.30pm
  • Group 2: Tuesdays, 6.30 to 8.30pm


Course fees

Members of the public

  • Bookings up to and including 16 September 2024 - £285
  • Bookings after 16 September 2024 - £300

University of Nottingham staff and students

  • £285

Term dates

  • Term 1: 7 October 2024 to 13 December 2024 (10 weeks)
  • Term 2: 20 January 2025 to 28 March 2025 (10 weeks)

Level 2

What's covered?

We'll build on grammatical structures and vocabulary you may be familiar with but need to consolidate.

You'll develop your speaking, writing and comprehension skills, and prepare for guided communication in real life situations in Germany and German-speaking countries.

Grammatical structures of the language are practised with authentic materials.

German is used as much as possible in class.

Who is it aimed at?

Learners with previous basic knowledge of the language. This is the right level for you if you have:

  • attended level 1 of our evening class programme or a beginners course elsewhere
  • completed approximately 80 hours of previous study (40 hours contact time and 40 hours personal study)
  • studied the language at school some time ago and feel you need a refresher
  • level A1 (or equivalent) on the CEFR.

Length of course

  • 20 weeks

Day and time

There are two separate groups:

  • Group 1: Mondays, 6.30 to 8.30pm 
  • Group 2: Tuesdays, 6.30 to 8.30pm


Course fees

Members of the public

  • Bookings up to and including 16 September 2024 - £285
  • Bookings after 16 September 2024 - £300

University of Nottingham staff and students

  • £285

Term dates

  • Term 1: 7 October 2024 to 13 December 2024 (10 weeks)
  • Term 2: 20 January 2025 to 28 March 2025 (10 weeks)

Level 3

What's covered

To continue previous study, consolidate and introduce more advanced grammatical structures and vocabulary.

You'll develop speaking, writing and comprehension skills, and prepare for communication in real life situations in Germany and German-speaking countries.

Grammatical structures of the language are practised with authentic materials.

German is used as much as possible in class.

Who is it aimed at?

Learners with previous basic knowledge of the language. This is the right level for you if:

  • you have attended level 2 of our evening class programme or equivalent
  • you have completed approximately 160 hours of previous study (e.g. pre-GCSE or equivalent)
  • you have a rusty GCSE/O level
  • you have a high A1/low A2 on the CEFR 

Length of course

  • 20 weeks

Day and time

  • Tuesdays, 6.30 to 8.30pm


Course fees

Members of the public

  • Bookings up to and including 16 September 2024 - £285
  • Bookings after 16 September 2024 - £300

University of Nottingham staff and students

  • £285

Term dates

  • Term 1: 7 October 2024 to 13 December 2024 (10 weeks)
  • Term 2: 20 January 2025 to 28 March 2025 (10 weeks)

Level 4

What's covered

A continuation of previous study to further develop speaking, writing and comprehension skills. You'll extend your range of grammatical structures and vocabulary and prepare for more complex communication in real life situations.

More advanced grammatical structures of the language are practised with authentic materials and German is used predominantly in class.

You will study language through a variety of themes relevant to Germany and German-speaking countries.

Who is it aimed at?

Learners with previous knowledge of the language. This is the right level for you if:

  • you have attended level 3 of our evening class programme or equivalent
  • you have completed approximately 240 hours of previous language study
  • you have a good recent GCSE (7-9/A*-B)
  • you have A2/A2+ on the CEFR

Length of course

  • 20 weeks

Day and time

  • Mondays, 6.30 to 8.30pm


Course fees

Members of the public

  • Bookings up to and including 16 September 2024 - £285
  • Bookings after 16 September 2024 - £300

University of Nottingham staff and students

  • £285

Term dates

  • Term 1: 7 October 2024 to 13 December 2024 (10 weeks)
  • Term 2: 20 January 2025 to 28 March 2025 (10 weeks)

Level 5

What's covered

More information coming soon

Who is it aimed at?

More information coming soon

Length of course

  • 20 weeks

Day and time

  • Thursdays, 6.30 to 8.30pm



Term dates

  • Term 1: 7 October 2024 to 13 December 2024 (10 weeks)
  • Term 2: 20 January 2025 to 28 March 2025 (10 weeks)


Course fees

Members of the public

  • Bookings up to and including 16 September 2024 - £285
  • Bookings after 16 September 2024 - £300

University of Nottingham staff and students

  • £285

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Greek - modern

Did you know that in the English language there are more than 150,000 Greek words, many of which you already know?

As the oldest and sole survivor of the ancient European languages, with a history of 4,000 years, the Greek language has been the basis of the European civilisation. As a result, it has fundamentally affected other languages and cultures. 

Our evening classes introduce you to the the Modern Greek language in the most accessible way for learners. You will soon be able to order drinks and meals in a Greek tavern, ask for directions, go shopping, and buy tickets for the ferry, train or bus.

Levels available

Level 1

What's covered

We'll introduce some of the basic structures of the language through topics related to social and everyday life in Greece. The focus is on listening, speaking and reading simple materials that introduce basic grammatical structures. 

Who is it aimed at?

  • Complete beginners with no previous knowledge of the language.

Length of course

  • 20 weeks

Day and time

  • Tuesdays, 6.30 to 8.30pm


Course fees

Members of the public

  • Bookings up to and including 16 September 2024 - £285
  • Bookings after 16 September 2024 - £300

University of Nottingham staff and students

  • £285

Term dates

  • Term 1: 7 October 2024 to 13 December 2024 (10 weeks)
  • Term 2: 20 January 2025 to 28 March 2025 (10 weeks)

Level 2

What's covered?

We'll build on grammatical structures and vocabulary you may be familiar with but need to consolidate.

You'll develop your speaking, writing and comprehension skills, and prepare for guided communication in real life situations in Greece.

Grammatical structures of the language are practised with authentic materials.

Greek is used as much as possible in class.

Who is it aimed at?

Learners with previous basic knowledge of the language. This is the right level for you if you have:

  • attended level 1 of our evening class programme or a beginners course elsewhere
  • completed approximately 80 hours of previous study (40 hours contact time and 40 hours personal study)
  • studied the language at school some time ago and feel you need a refresher
  • level A1 (or equivalent) on the CEFR.

Length of course

  • 20 weeks

Day and time

  • Thursdays, 6.30 to 8.30pm 


Course fees

Members of the public

  • Bookings up to and including 16 September 2024 - £285
  • Bookings after 16 September 2024 - £300

University of Nottingham staff and students

  • £285

Term dates

  • Term 1: 7 October 2024 to 13 December 2024 (10 weeks)
  • Term 2: 20 January 2025 to 28 March 2025 (10 weeks)

Level 4

What's covered

To continue previous study, consolidate and introduce more advanced grammatical structures and vocabulary.

You'll develop speaking, writing and comprehension skills, and prepare for communication in real life situations in Greece.

Grammatical structures of the language are practised with authentic materials.

Greek is used as much as possible in class.

Who is it aimed at?

Learners with previous knowledge of the language. This is the right level for you if:

  • you have attended level 3 of our evening class programme or equivalent
  • you have completed approximately 240 hours of previous language study
  • you have a good recent GCSE (7-9/A*-B)
  • you have A2/A2+ on the CEFR

Length of course

  • 20 weeks

Day and time

  • Wednesdays, 6.30 to 8.30pm


Course fees

Members of the public

  • Bookings up to and including 16 September 2024 - £285
  • Bookings after 16 September 2024 - £300

University of Nottingham staff and students

  • £285

Term dates

  • Term 1: 7 October 2024 to 13 December 2024 (10 weeks)
  • Term 2: 20 January 2025 to 28 March 2025 (10 weeks)
I sincerely hope the course will be available in the next academic year. The dedication and commitment of the teacher was very impressive and fueled my enjoyment of the lesson and my desire to learn. I found the dynamics in the class really positive for learning and friendly.

Greek learner 2022

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Italian is the fourth most studied language in the world. So what is it about Italian that inspires so many to learn?

Perhaps it's because, in this age of pasta and cappuccino, we often have Italian on our lips, but do not really know what we are saying. Or maybe you have studied music, and want to understand just how fast allegro is really meant to go. Some may be wondering at the shades of chiaroscuro in art, or may have admired a stylish Made in Italy object, and want to understand the secrets of the country that produced it. 

Whatever your reasons, our Italian evening classes will open up the treasures and the beauties of Italy for you. 

Levels available

Level 1

What's covered

We'll introduce some of the basic structures of the language through topics related to social and everyday life in Italy. The focus is on listening, speaking and reading simple materials that introduce basic grammatical structures. 

Who is it aimed at?

  • Complete beginners with no previous knowledge of the language.

Length of course

  • 20 weeks

Day and time

There are two separate groups:

  • Group 1: Tuesdays, 6 to 8pm 
  • Group 2: Wednesdays, 6.30 to 8.30pm


Course fees

Members of the public

  • Bookings up to and including 16 September 2024 - £285
  • Bookings after 16 September 2024 - £300

University of Nottingham staff and students

  • £285

Term dates

  • Term 1: 7 October 2024 to 13 December 2024 (10 weeks)
  • Term 2: 20 January 2025 to 28 March 2025 (10 weeks)


I wanted to learn Italian because my daughter lives in Lugano Switzerland which is Italian speaking. Her partner is from Udine and they will be visiting us with his parents later this year, so to me learning Italian was a must. This course has given me confidence to hold a conversation with them.
Italian 1 learner 2022



Level 2

What's covered?

We'll build on grammatical structures and vocabulary you may be familiar with but need to consolidate.

You'll develop your speaking, writing and comprehension skills, and prepare for guided communication in real life situations in Italy.

Grammatical structures of the language are practised with authentic materials.

Italian is used as much as possible in class.

Who is it aimed at?

Learners with previous basic knowledge of the language. This is the right level for you if you have:

  • attended level 1 of our evening class programme or a beginners course elsewhere
  • completed approximately 80 hours of previous study (40 hours contact time and 40 hours personal study)
  • studied the language at school some time ago and feel you need a refresher
  • level A1 (or equivalent) on the CEFR.

Length of course

  • 20 weeks

Day and time

There are two separate groups:

  • Group 1: Mondays, 6.30 to 8.30pm
  • Group 2: Thursdays, 6 to 8pm


Course fees

Members of the public

  • Bookings up to and including 16 September 2024 - £285
  • Bookings after 16 September 2024 - £300

University of Nottingham staff and students

  • £285

Term dates

  • Term 1: 7 October 2024 to 13 December 2024 (10 weeks)
  • Term 2: 20 January 2025 to 28 March 2025 (10 weeks)

Level 3

What's covered

To continue previous study, consolidate and introduce more advanced grammatical structures and vocabulary.

You'll develop speaking, writing and comprehension skills, and prepare for communication in real life situations in Italy.

Grammatical structures of the language are practised with authentic materials.

Italian is used as much as possible in class.

Who is it aimed at?

Learners with previous basic knowledge of the language. This is the right level for you if:

  • you have attended level 2 of our evening class programme or equivalent
  • you have completed approximately 160 hours of previous study (e.g. pre-GCSE or equivalent)
  • you have a rusty GCSE/O level
  • you have a high A1/low A2 on the CEFR 

Length of course

  • 20 weeks

Day and time

  • Tuesdays, 6.30 to 8.30pm


Course fees

Members of the public

  • Bookings up to and including 16 September 2024 - £285
  • Bookings after 16 September 2024 - £300

University of Nottingham staff and students

  • £285

Term dates

  • Term 1: 7 October 2024 to 13 December 2024 (10 weeks)
  • Term 2: 20 January 2025 to 28 March 2025 (10 weeks)


What's covered

This course aims to further develop communication skills and fluency and promote increased accuracy in use of grammatical structures and vocabulary. Advanced grammatical structures of the language are practised with authentic materials and Italian is used throughout. You will study language through a variety of themes relevant to Italy.

Who is it aimed at?

Learners with extensive previous knowledge of the language. This is the right level for you if: 

  • you have attended level 5 of our evening class programme or equivalent
  • you have A level (A*/A/B)
  • you have a level equivalent to B1+/B2 on the CEFR

Length of course

  • 20 weeks

Day and time

  • Wednesdays, 6 to 8pm



Course fees

Members of the public

  • Bookings up to and including 16 September 2024 - £285
  • Bookings after 16 September 2024 - £300

University of Nottingham staff and students

  • £285

Term dates

  • Term 1: 7 October 2024 to 13 December 2024 (10 weeks)
  • Term 2: 20 January 2025 to 28 March 2025 (10 weeks)

Advanced PLUS - ONLINE

What's covered

This course aims to further develop communication skills and fluency and promote increased accuracy in use of grammatical structures and vocabulary. Advanced grammatical structures of the language are practised with authentic materials and Italian is used throughout. You will study language through a variety of themes relevant to Italy.

Who is it aimed at?

Learners with extensive previous knowledge of the language. This is the right level for you if: 

  • you have attended the Italian Advanced evening class programme or equivalent
  • you have a recent A level (A*/A)
  • you have a level equivalent to B2/B2+ on the CEFR

Length of course

  • 20 weeks

Day and time

  • Mondays, 6 to 8pm


  • This class will be delivered exclusively online. 


Course fees

Members of the public

  • Bookings up to and including 16 September 2024 - £285
  • Bookings after 16 September 2024 - £300

University of Nottingham staff and students

  • £285

Term dates

  • Term 1: 7 October 2024 to 13 December 2024 (10 weeks)
  • Term 2: 20 January 2025 to 28 March 2025 (10 weeks)



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Japanese is the 9th most spoken language in the world. In the last decade, over three million people per year opted to learn this interesting and unique global language. 

Famed for its inherent politeness and etiquette, the Japanese language boasts very few swear words. It features charming quirks such as green apple being translated to ‘ao ringo’, which actually means ‘blue apple’!

Learning Japanese will open your eyes to the wonders of this fascinating culture and the mind of Japanese people.

Levels available

Level 1

What's covered

We'll introduce some of the basic structures of the language through topics related to social and everyday life in Japan. The focus is on listening, speaking and reading simple materials that introduce basic grammatical structures. 

Who is it aimed at?

  • Complete beginners with no previous knowledge of the language.

Length of course

  • 20 weeks

Day and time

There are two separate groups:

  • Group 1: Mondays, 6.30 to 8.30pm
  • Group 2: Wednesdays, 6.30 to 8.30pm


Course fees

Members of the public

  • Bookings up to and including 16 September 2024 - £285
  • Bookings after 16 September 2024 - £300

University of Nottingham staff and students

  • £285

Term dates

  • Term 1: 7 October 2024 to 13 December 2024 (10 weeks)
  • Term 2: 20 January 2025 to 28 March 2025 (10 weeks)

Level 2

What's covered?

We'll build on grammatical structures and vocabulary you may be familiar with but need to consolidate.

You'll develop your speaking, writing and comprehension skills, and prepare for guided communication in real life situations in Japan.

Grammatical structures of the language are practised with authentic materials.

Japanese is used as much as possible in class.

Who is it aimed at?

Learners with previous basic knowledge of the language. This is the right level for you if you have:

  • attended level 1 of our evening class programme or a beginners course elsewhere
  • completed approximately 80 hours of previous study (40 hours contact time and 40 hours personal study)
  • studied the language at school some time ago and feel you need a refresher
  • level A1 (or equivalent) on the CEFR.

Length of course

  • 20 weeks

Day and time

  • Thursdays 6.30 to 8.30pm


Course fees

Members of the public

  • Bookings up to and including 16 September 2024 - £285
  • Bookings after 16 September 2024 - £300

University of Nottingham staff and students

  • £285

Term dates

  • Term 1: 7 October 2024 to 13 December 2024 (10 weeks)
  • Term 2: 20 January 2025 to 28 March 2025 (10 weeks)

Level 3

What's covered

To continue previous study, consolidate and introduce more advanced grammatical structures and vocabulary.

You'll develop speaking, writing and comprehension skills, and prepare for communication in real life situations in Japan.

Grammatical structures of the language are practised with authentic materials.

Japanese is used as much as possible in class.

Who is it aimed at?

Learners with previous basic knowledge of the language. This is the right level for you if:

  • you have attended level 2 of our evening class programme or equivalent
  • you have completed approximately 160 hours of previous study (e.g. pre-GCSE or equivalent)
  • you have a rusty GCSE/O level
  • you have a low A2 on the CEFR 

Length of course

  • 20 weeks

Day and time

  • Tuesdays, 6.30 to 8.30pm



Course fees

Members of the public

  • Bookings up to and including 16 September 2024 - £285
  • Bookings after 16 September 2024 - £300

University of Nottingham staff and students

  • £285

Term dates

  • Term 1: 7 October 2024 to 13 December 2024 (10 weeks)
  • Term 2: 20 January 2025 to 28 March 2025 (10 weeks)


The teacher, Akiko, has been absolutely fantastic. She is incredibly warm and personable, and has really helped the language to come alive. The resources she provides outside the textbook are very helpful, and often fun to complete. She is an absolute asset to the university. Akiko also made the lessons very accessible, and not daunting at all (e.g., not making us do presentations...).
Japanese 3 learner 2022



Level 4 ONLINE

What's covered

A continuation of previous study to further develop speaking, writing and comprehension skills. You'll extend your range of grammatical structures and vocabulary and prepare for more complex communication in real life situations.

More advanced grammatical structures of the language are practised with authentic materials and Japanese is used predominantly in class.

You will study language through a variety of themes relevant to Japan.

Who is it aimed at?

Learners with previous knowledge of the language. This is the right level for you if:

  • you have attended level 3 of our evening class programme or equivalent
  • you have completed approximately 240 hours of previous language study
  • you have a good recent GCSE (7-9/A*-B)
  • you have A2/A2+ on the CEFR

Length of course

  • 20 weeks

Day and time

  • Thursdays, 6.30 to 8.30pm online only


This class will be delivered exclusively via Microsoft Teams. You will need to use the desktop version of Microsoft Teams from a laptop/PC as functionality is restricted if you access via a tablet or mobile phone. Once registration has closed, the tutor will send you a link for the class.

Course fees

Members of the public

  • Bookings up to and including 16 September 2024 - £285
  • Bookings after 16 September 2024 - £300

University of Nottingham staff and students

  • £285

Term dates

  • Term 1: 7 October 2024 to 13 December 2024 (10 weeks)
  • Term 2: 20 January 2025 to 28 March 2025 (10 weeks)

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Whether you want to learn Korean for business or better understand their popular culture, our evening classes will get you started on your journey to joining the 80 million people speaking this language around the globe.

Levels available

Level 1

What's covered

We'll introduce some of the basic structures of the language through topics related to social and everyday life in South Korea. The focus is on listening, speaking and reading simple materials that introduce basic grammatical structures. 

Who is it aimed at?

  • Complete beginners with no previous knowledge of the language.

Length of course

  • 20 weeks

Day and time

  • Tuesdays, 6.30 to 8.30pm


Course fees

Members of the public

  • Bookings up to and including 16 September 2024 - £285
  • Bookings after 16 September 2024 - £300

University of Nottingham staff and students

  • £285

Term dates

  • Term 1: 7 October 2024 to 13 December 2024 (10 weeks)
  • Term 2: 20 January 2025 to 28 March 2025 (10 weeks)

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Whether you want to speak Polish for business or pleasure, this evening class will get you started on your journey into this rewarding Slavic language.

Levels available

Level 1

What's covered

We'll introduce some of the basic structures of the language through topics related to social and everyday life in Poland. The focus is on listening, speaking and reading simple materials that introduce basic grammatical structures. 

Who is it aimed at?

  • Complete beginners with no previous knowledge of the language.

Length of course

  • 20 weeks

Day and time

  • Tuesdays, 6.30 to 8.30pm


Course fees

Members of the public

  • Bookings up to and including 16 September 2024 - £285
  • Bookings after 16 September 2024 - £300

University of Nottingham staff and students

  • £285

Term dates

  • Term 1: 7 October 2024 to 13 December 2024 (10 weeks)
  • Term 2: 20 January 2025 to 28 March 2025 (10 weeks)

Level 2

What's covered?

We'll build on grammatical structures and vocabulary you may be familiar with but need to consolidate.

You'll develop your speaking, writing and comprehension skills, and prepare for guided communication in real life situations in Poland.

Grammatical structures of the language are practised with authentic materials.

Polish is used as much as possible in class.

Who is it aimed at?

Learners with previous basic knowledge of the language. This is the right level for you if you have:

  • attended level 1 of our evening class programme or a beginners course elsewhere
  • completed approximately 80 hours of previous study (40 hours contact time and 40 hours personal study)
  • studied the language at school some time ago and feel you need a refresher
  • level A1 (or equivalent) on the CEFR.

Length of course

  • 20 weeks

Day and time

  • Mondays, 6.30 to 8.30pm 


Course fees

Members of the public

  • Bookings up to and including 16 September 2024 - £285
  • Bookings after 16 September 2024 - £300

University of Nottingham staff and students

  • £285

Term dates

  • Term 1: 7 October 2024 to 13 December 2024 (10 weeks)
  • Term 2: 20 January 2025 to 28 March 2025 (10 weeks)

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Did you know that Portuguese is the most widely spoken language in the southern hemisphere? As well as being spoken in Portugal and Brazil, it is also used in Macau, Cape Verde, Angola, Mozambique, and Goa (India).

Our Portuguese evening classes will help you to improve your everyday language skills. By the end of your class, you could book a hotel in Lisbon, order food at a restaurant in Rio de Janeiro, or even book a dolphin watching tour in the Azores islands - all in Portuguese!

You'll also learn about the different cultural traditions, food, music, and artistic creations that connect all Portuguese-speaking countries.

Levels available

Level 1

What's covered

We'll introduce some of the basic structures of the language through topics related to social and everyday life in Portugal and Portuguese-speaking countries.. The focus is on listening, speaking and reading simple materials that introduce basic grammatical structures. 

Who is it aimed at?

  • Complete beginners with no previous knowledge of the language.

Length of course

  • 20 weeks

Day and time

  • Mondays, 6 to 8pm - Please note the change of day than previously advertised



Course fees

Members of the public

  • Bookings up to and including 16 September 2024 - £285
  • Bookings after 16 September 2024 - £300

University of Nottingham staff and students

  • £285

Term dates

  • Term 1: 7 October 2024 to 13 December 2024 (10 weeks)
  • Term 2: 20 January 2025 to 28 March 2025 (10 weeks)

Level 2

What's covered?

We'll build on grammatical structures and vocabulary you may be familiar with but need to consolidate.

You'll develop your speaking, writing and comprehension skills, and prepare for guided communication in real life situations in Poland.

Grammatical structures of the language are practised with authentic materials.

Who is it aimed at?

Learners with previous basic knowledge of the language. This is the right level for you if you have:

  • attended level 1 of our evening class programme or a beginners course elsewhere
  • completed approximately 80 hours of previous study (40 hours contact time and 40 hours personal study)
  • studied the language at school some time ago and feel you need a refresher
  • level A1 (or equivalent) on the CEFR.

Length of course

  • 20 weeks

Day and time

  • Tuesdays, 6 to 8pm - please note the change of day than previously advertised



Course fees

Members of the public

  • Bookings up to and including 16 September 2024 - £285
  • Bookings after 16 September 2024 - £300

University of Nottingham staff and students

  • £285


Term dates

  • Term 1: 7 October 2024 to 13 December 2024 (10 weeks)
  • Term 2: 20 January 2025 to 28 March 2025 (10 weeks)



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Mother Russia! Red Square, The Bolshoi Theatre, Tchaikovsky, Pushkin, Dostoevsky, The Strugatsky Brothers…If you want to develop your Russian skills and find out more about the fascinating world of Russia, join our evening class.

With Russian language skills, you will be able to communicate with the more than 250 million people worldwide who speak Russian as their native or second language. Whether you want to learn Russian for pleasure, travel or work, this course will provide a great starting point.

Levels available

Level 1

What's covered

We'll introduce some of the basic structures of the language through topics related to social and everyday life in Russia and Russian-speaking countries. The focus is on listening, speaking and reading simple materials that introduce basic grammatical structures. 

Who is it aimed at?

  • Complete beginners with no previous knowledge of the language.

Length of course

  • 20 weeks

Day and time

  • Thursdays, 6.30 to 8.30pm


Course fees

Members of the public

  • Bookings up to and including 16 September 2024 - £285
  • Bookings after 16 September 2024 - £300

University of Nottingham staff and students

  • £285

Term dates

  • Term 1: 7 October 2024 to 13 December 2024 (10 weeks)
  • Term 2: 20 January 2025 to 28 March 2025 (10 weeks)

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Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, imagine being able to communicate and connect with people in over 20 countries. Your opportunity to work, travel or even live around the globe could start with these evening classes. 

Levels available

Level 1

What's covered

We'll introduce some of the basic structures of the language through topics related to social and everyday life in Spain and Spanish-speaking countries. The focus is on listening, speaking and reading simple materials that introduce basic grammatical structures. 

Who is it aimed at?

  • Complete beginners with no previous knowledge of the language.

Length of course

  • 20 weeks

Day and time

There are three separate groups:

  • Group 1: Tuesdays, 6.30 to 8.30pm 
  • Group 2: Wednesdays, 6 to 8pm
  • Group 3: Thursdays, 6 to 8pm


Course fees

Members of the public

  • Bookings up to and including 16 September 2024 - £285
  • Bookings after 16 September 2024 - £300

University of Nottingham staff and students

  • £285

Term dates

  • Term 1: 7 October 2024 to 13 December 2024 (10 weeks)
  • Term 2: 20 January 2025 to 28 March 2025 (10 weeks)


I really love Ana's teaching style. I've always really struggled with learning languages and was very anxious to start. She organised the course so that it felt quite low pressure, using text inputs instead of talking for listening exercises when people didn't feel confident.

She also remembered that I was learning Latin American/ Mexican Spanish and went out of her way to make sure I knew how the pronunciation differed throughout classes.

Spanish 1 learner 2022



Level 2

What's covered?

We'll build on grammatical structures and vocabulary you may be familiar with but need to consolidate.

You'll develop your speaking, writing and comprehension skills, and prepare for guided communication in real life situations in Spain and Spanish-speaking countries.

Grammatical structures of the language are practised with authentic materials.

Spanish is used as much as possible in class.

Who is it aimed at?

Learners with previous basic knowledge of the language. This is the right level for you if you have:

  • attended level 1 of our evening class programme or a beginners course elsewhere
  • completed approximately 80 hours of previous study (40 hours contact time and 40 hours personal study)
  • studied the language at school some time ago and feel you need a refresher
  • level A1 (or equivalent) on the CEFR.

Length of course

  • 20 weeks

Day and time

There are two separate groups:

  • Group 1: Tuesdays, 6 to 8pm
  • Group 2: Wednesdays, 6 to 8pm


Course fees

Members of the public

  • Bookings up to and including 16 September 2024 - £285
  • Bookings after 16 September 2024 - £300

University of Nottingham staff and students

  • £285

Term dates

  • Term 1: 7 October 2024 to 13 December 2024 (10 weeks)
  • Term 2: 20 January 2025 to 28 March 2025 (10 weeks)

Level 3

What's covered

To continue previous study, consolidate and introduce more advanced grammatical structures and vocabulary.

You'll develop speaking, writing and comprehension skills, and prepare for communication in real life situations in Spain and Spanish-speaking countries.

Grammatical structures of the language are practised with authentic materials.

Spanish is used as much as possible in class.

Who is it aimed at?

Learners with previous basic knowledge of the language. This is the right level for you if:

  • you have attended level 2 of our evening class programme or equivalent
  • you have completed approximately 160 hours of previous study (e.g. pre-GCSE or equivalent)
  • you have a rusty GCSE/O level
  • you have a low A2 on the CEFR 

Length of course

  • 20 weeks

Day and time

There are two separate groups:

  • Group 1: Mondays, 6 to 8pm
  • Group 2: Thursdays, 6.30 to 8.30pm


Course fees

Members of the public

  • Bookings up to and including 16 September 2024 - £285
  • Bookings after 16 September 2024 - £300

University of Nottingham staff and students

  • £285

Term dates

  • Term 1: 7 October 2024 to 13 December 2024 (10 weeks)
  • Term 2: 20 January 2025 to 28 March 2025 (10 weeks)

Level 4

What's covered

A continuation of previous study to further develop speaking, writing and comprehension skills. You'll extend your range of grammatical structures and vocabulary and prepare for more complex communication in real life situations.

More advanced grammatical structures of the language are practised with authentic materials and Spanish is used predominantly in class.

You will study language through a variety of themes relevant to Spain and Spanish-speaking countries.

Who is it aimed at?

Learners with previous knowledge of the language. This is the right level for you if:

  • you have attended level 3 of our evening class programme or equivalent
  • you have completed approximately 240 hours of previous language study
  • you have a good recent GCSE (7-9/A*-B)
  • you have A2/A2+ on the CEFR

Length of course

  • 20 weeks

Day and time

  • Tuesdays, 6 to 8pm


Course fees

Members of the public

  • Bookings up to and including 16 September 2024 - £285
  • Bookings after 16 September 2024 - £300

University of Nottingham staff and students

  • £285

Term dates

  • Term 1: 7 October 2024 to 13 December 2024 (10 weeks)
  • Term 2: 20 January 2025 to 28 March 2025 (10 weeks)

Level 5

Who is it aimed at?

Learners with extensive previous knowledge of the language. This is the right level for you if: 

  • you have attended level 4 of our evening class programme
  • you have AS or A level 
  • you have a level equivalent to B1/B2 on the CEFR 

Length of course

  • 20 weeks

Day and time

  • Wednesdays, 6.30 to 8.30pm



Term dates

  • Term 1: 7 October 2024 to 13 December 2024 (10 weeks)
  • Term 2: 20 January 2025 to 28 March 2025 (10 weeks)


Course fees

Members of the public

  • Bookings up to and including 16 September 2024 - £285
  • Bookings after 16 September 2024 - £300

University of Nottingham staff and students

  • £285




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