Close up of a persons hands in front of a laptop screen

Support for teaching

Find out how Libraries can provide support for your teaching with sessions for your students, resources and reading lists and support with learning technologies


Training for students

Our Learning Development team offers bespoke and tailored teaching sessions across a wide range of academic and information skills to support your students.

If you are a member of academic staff and would like to request a teaching session from us – whether academic skills, information skills, or a combination of both - please get in touch to discuss the specific needs of your students with a member of our team. 

Academic skills


Information skills


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Reading lists and scanning service

Do you want to create an online reading list for your module, or do you need resources digitising? Libraries can help. 


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Learning technologies and accessibility

Our Learning Technologies team offer a range of consultative services covering pedagogy, technology and media to help improve teaching and assessment across the university. They support for a wide range of systems including Moodle, ExamSys and Xerte.

  • Connecting teaching and technology to drive forward pedagogical improvement
  • Working with you to improve student experience, engagement and outcomes
  • Supporting the challenges and opportunities in your area
  • Production of high-quality video and multimedia content
  • Contributing to discussion of pedagogy and technology within the university
  • Experimentation and innovation with new and emerging technologies
  • Providing tools and guidance to make learning materials accessible

Find out more details about our services and support, including training sessions on our SharePoint site, 

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Library tours

Do you want to arrange a library tour for your students? Get in touch with us at 

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University of Nottingham Libraries

King's Meadow Campus
Lenton Lane
Nottingham, NG7 2NR

Please see our Help and support page for
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contact points