School of Life Sciences

Miguel Cámara awarded a Guest Professorship by Jiangsu University


Miguel Cámara has been awarded a Guest Professorship by Jiangsu University in China. The award ceremony took place on the 10th of October 2013. Miguel has been collaborating with the research group of Prof Xiaoguang Liu in that University for over five years. He has regularly visited Prof Liu’s laboratory to meet several of her colleagues and give a number of seminars during those visits at her University, and those of some of her collaborators.

The main research focus of this collaboration has been to study some of the molecular mechanisms by which quorum sensing, together with other regulatory networks, modulate biocontrol and growth promotion traits in bacteria of interest to agriculture. This work started through a Royal Society-NSFC exchange programme, followed by support from an NSFC grant. Prof Liu obtained an IIF Marie Curie Fellowship to work with Miguel and colleagues at Nottingham, has now been in his laboratory for a year and will continue to do so for a further year before returning to Jiangsu University.

Posted on Thursday 17th October 2013

School of Life Sciences

University of Nottingham
Medical School
Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham NG7 2UH

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