School of Life Sciences

PROAGROBAC- International Incoming Fellowship (IIF)


Determination of novel molecular cross-signaling mechanisms between bacteria and plants leading to enhanced crop production.

This IIF fellowship has enabled Prof. Xiaoguang Liu, a highly experienced senior researcher form Jiangsu University (China) with experience gene regulation in Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria and their interactions with plants to transfer some of this knowledge, whilst undertaking research in the UK, to Professor Miguel Cámara’s laboratory at the University of Nottingham. In return Prof. Liu has acquired advanced knowledge on the study of bacterial signalling networks. This has enabled them to increase their research links with a view to establish long-term collaborations between the Universities of Jiangsu and Nottingham in the area of crop sciences with a view to improve agricultural sustainability and adaptation to climate changes.

Click here for main objectives of the project

For further information contact Professor Miguel Camara

Posted on Monday 12th January 2015

School of Life Sciences

University of Nottingham
Medical School
Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham NG7 2UH

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