Manuscripts and Special Collections

New catalogues added from June to August 2010

New collections

Descriptions of two new collections have been released on the Manuscripts Online Catalogue. The hyperlinks in the descriptions below take you to more detailed catalogue entries.

  • Papers of the Chaworth Musters family of Annesley Park and Colwick Hall, Nottinghamshire, 1538-2004 (ChM)
  • Records of Pasolds Limited, clothing manufacturers of Langley, Berkshire, and various predecessor companies including Chilprufe Limited of Leicester; 1921-1999 (MS 814)

Catalogue upgrading

In addition, staff have upgraded the Middleton Collection catalogue with full item level descriptions for material within these bundles:

  • Miscellaneous personal documents, 1327-1671 (Mi F 10)
  • Bundle of genealogical papers, letters, pedigrees and printed papers relating to the Willoughby family, 17th century-1937 (Mi F 11)
  • Bundle of miscellaneous papers relating to the Willoughby family and their estates, with two items relating to the Reform Bill riots in Nottingham in 1831, 1743-1883 (Mi F 12)

Archdeaconry Presentment Bills

Work is continuing on extracting details of people brought before the Archdeaconry Court for committing various offences. The indexes are available via the Archdeaconry Person Index part of the Manuscripts Online Catalogue.

Details from Presentment Bills dated 1740-1746, for each of the four deaneries (series AN/PB 312, AN/PB 324, AN/PB 337 and AN/PB 350), have now been added to the main catalogue and the Archdeaconry Person Index.

Posted on Monday 13th September 2010

Manuscripts and Special Collections

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