We provide a range of reprographic services. Please see our Policy page for details of these services and a list of current prices.
Material can only be copied following the submission of a Request form.
All requests for copying are assessed by staff who will advise you of any physical and legal constraints affecting the copying of material.
Copies are provided for the purposes of research or private study only.
Anyone wishing to publish material from the collections needs to submit a written request. Please use the Permission to Publish form.
Publication may be constrained by a number of factors, particularly ownership rights and copying rights. Further details and a guide to our reproduction fees are included on the form.
Next page: Reprographics policy
The following items cannot usually be photocopied. It may be possible for us to offer an alternative form of copying.
Kings Meadow CampusLenton Lane Nottingham, NG7 2NR
telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 4565 fax: +44 (0) 115 846 8651 email: mss-library@nottingham.ac.uk