School of Mathematical Sciences
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Equality, diversity and inclusion

The School of Mathematical Sciences actively supports diversity in mathematics. We believe that creating an open and accepting environment brings out the best in our staff, students and visitors.

How to get support

We are keen to hear about any issues that impact on equality, diversity or inclusion.

Please use our anonymous feedback form to report issues or make suggestions for how we can improve the School


If you would like support from someone outside of the School:


Community and facilities

The School offers:

  • dedicated tutor to women students
  • paid parental leave for staff and Home/EU postgraduate research students
  • summer research internships including ring-fenced funding for women undergraduates
  • informal flexible working
  • all-staff meetings, events and training held in core hours

Postgraduate coffee breaks

We host fortnightly postgraduate coffee breaks that are primarily intended for the women in the School but they are open to all including MSc and PhD students, postdocs, academic staff and undergraduates interested in studying for a PhD. 

The coffee breaks are a great opportunity to chat, exchange experiences and get to know each other. 


Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee

We take a proactive approach to equality, diversity and inclusion by seeking feedback from staff and students, developing new strategies and policies, and ensuring that change happens.

We have a team of staff and students who develop and implement change to make sure that everyone in the School is treated fairly - the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee.

The EDI Committee supports the interests of all staff, students, alumni and visitors regardless of gender, race, colour, nationality, ethnic/national origin, age, socio-economic background, disability, religious/political beliefs, family circumstances or sexual orientation.

Committee members are also responsible for preparing the School's Athena SWAN submission.

Awards and recognition

The University is:

Athena SWAN

The School of Mathematical Sciences holds a Silver Athena SWAN Award, to recognise work undertaken to address gender inequality.

The school is very proud to have achieved a silver Athena Swan award demonstrating our ongoing commitment to gender equality and equality, diversity and inclusion as a whole. To achieve a silver award the school not only had to show it is working to promote gender equality but that it has also made substantial progress to address challenges and our work has led to positive impacts. The progress we have made since our last submission includes an increase in proportions of both female undergraduate students and academic staff which we achieved through initiatives such as mentoring, increased visibility of women and improved recruitment processes.

The work doesn’t stop there though! We have identified new priorities to focus on including student experiences and the mathematics pipeline and have an action plan we are very proud of, spanning the next 5 years to tackle these.  We look forward to continuing an intersectional approach to equality ensuring we understand and improve the experiences of trans and non-binary members of maths as well as those with other underrepresented characteristics including ethnicity and disability.

Thank you to everyone who has supported our application as a school we are very proud of this achievement!

Our Athena Swan Silver application


Good Practice Scheme

Good Practice Scheme

The School of Mathematical Sciences supports the Good Practice Scheme co-ordinated by the London Mathematical Society.

This means that we have publically committed to taking practical actions that aim to cultivate a working environment in which all staff and students can achieve their full potential.

We have developed an extensive good practice action plan (PDF) to specifically improve gender diversity within our school.


Inspirational women in maths

The School champions ‘Women in Maths’ activities, including conferences and seminars to showcase the science and careers of women researchers.

There are two active Facebook groups run by women in the School:

Useful links



Equality and Inclusion in Science and Engineering

School of Mathematical Sciences

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

For all enquiries please visit: